然而transformer在前向传递(forward pass)中对每个token消耗相同数量的计算资源。理想情况下,transformer应通过不必要地消耗计算资源来使用更小的总计算预算。 条件计算(Conditional computation)是一种试图通过仅在需要时消耗计算资源来减少总计算量的技术。不同的算法提供了何时以及应使用多少计算资源的解决方案。然而,这个...
《Accelerating Training of Transformer-Based Language Models with Progressive Layer Dropping》阅读笔记 窥探 nlp算法工程师5 人赞同了该文章 背景 基于transformer架构的预训练语言模型展现出了明显的优越性,刷新了众多nlp下游任务的效果。但是预训练语言模型是从海量无监督数据集中学习知识,且模型规模一般都比较大(base...
Computer Science - Computation and LanguageWith the pandemic of COVID-19, relevant fake news is spreading all over the sky throughout the social media. Believing in them without discrimination can cause great trouble to people's life. However, universal language models may perform weakly in these...
Background Transformer-based language models have shown great potential to revolutionize health care by advancing clinical decision support, patient interaction, and disease prediction. However, despite their rapid development, the implementation of transformer-based language models in health care settings rem...
Fig. 1: Encoding models for predicting brain activity from the internal components of language models. AVarious features are used to predict fMRI time series acquired while subjects listened to naturalistic stories. Based on the stimulus transcript, we extracted classical linguistic features (e.g., ...
This paper explores the potential of transformer-based foundation models to detect Atrial Fibrillation (AFIB) in electrocardiogram (ECG) processing, an arrhythmia specified as an irregular heart rhythm without patterns. We construct a language with tokens from heartbeat locations to detect irregular ...
The surge of pre-trained language models has begun a new era in the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) by allowing us to build powerful language models. Among these models, Transformer-based models such as BERT have become increasingly popular due to their state-of-the-art performance...
(1) Masked Language Model (MLM), 学习预测句子内容 (2) Next Sentence Prediction(NSP), 学习预测两个句子之间的关系 ALBERT提出了Sentence-order prediction (SOP)来取代NSP。具体来说,其正例与NSP相同,但负例是通过选择一篇文档中的两个连续的句子并将它们的顺序交换构造的。这样两个句子就会有相同的话题,模...
The Sundanese language has over 32 million speakers worldwide, but the language has reaped little to no benefits from the recent advances in natural language understanding. Like other low-resource languages, the only alternative is to fine-tune existing multilingual models. In this paper, we pre-...
We, humans, have language superpowers, imparting both nuance and broader meaning as we communicate. While there have been many natural language processing approaches, human-like language ability has remained an elusive goal for AI. With the arrival of massive Transformer-based language models like ...