import torch as Timport torch.nn.functional as Fimport torch.nn as nnimport numpy as npimport osimport refrom bert4rec_model import RecommendationTransformerfrom constants import TRAIN_CONSTANTSfrom typing import List, Dict, Tupleimport randomT.manual_seed(3007)T.cuda.manual_seed(3007)class Recomm...
sys.path.append("../")from constantsimport*movies_df=pd.read_csv("../data/ml-25m/ml-25m/movies.csv")ratings_df=pd.read_csv("../data/ml-25m/ml-25m/ratings.csv")ratings_df.sort_values(by=["timestamp"],inplace=True)grouped_ratings=ratings_df.groupby(by="userId").agg(list)movieI...
grouped_ratings = ratings_df.groupby(by="userId").agg(list) movieIdMapping = {k:i+2for i, kinenumerate(sorted(list(ratings_df.movieId.unique()))} ratings_df["movieId_mapped"] = movies_df["movieId_mapped"] =
Feel free to share this list with others! [Update: October, 2022] Split the 2nd half of the paper list to [Update: October, 2022] Added all the related papers from ECCV 2022! [Update: September, 2022] Added the Transformer tutorial slides made by Lucas Beyer! [Update...
inplace=True) grouped_ratings = ratings_df.groupby(by="userId").agg(list) movieIdMapping = {k:i+2 for i, k in enumerate(sorted(list(ratings_df.movieId.unique()))} ratings_df["movieId_mapped"] = movies_df["movieId_mapped"] =
from torch.nn.functional import cross_entropy def forward_pass_with_label(batch): # Convert dict of lists to list of dicts suitable for data collator features = [dict(zip(batch, t)) for t in zip(*batch.values())] # Pad inputs and labels and put all tensors on device batch = data...
ofCalifornia, Santa Cruz, and the National Geographic Society.According to a press release, the scientists were conducting a survey of thearea when they came across the herd. They were surprised to find that they wereable to converse with the animals in English, even though they had never ...
The researchers, from the University of California, Davis, and the University of Colorado, Boulder, were conducting a study on the Andean cloud forest, which is home to the rare species of cloud forest trees. The researchers were surprised to find that the unicorns were able to ...
movieIdMapping = {k:i+2 for i, k in enumerate(sorted(list(ratings_df.movieId.unique()))} ratings_df["movieId_mapped"] = movies_df["movieId_mapped"] = 模型...
This repo contains a comprehensive paper list of Vision Transformer & Attention, including papers, codes, and related websites. This list is maintained by Min-Hung Chen. (Actively keep updating) If you find some ignored papers, feel free to create pull requests, open issues, or email me. ...