A finite set of generators for the homeotopy group of a nonorientable surface Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc., 65 (1969), pp. 409-430 View in ScopusGoogle Scholar 2 A.K. Dewdney Wagner's theorem for the torus graphs Discrete Math., 4 (1973), pp. 139-...
Compare especially the upper inset graphs that displays a magnified view on the 1% highest peaks. The Spk parameter (Reduced peak height) was reduced from 0.349 to 0.152 μm for the SH surface, while the corresponding pre and post values for the SM and SL measurements amounts to 0.179–...
The input to the described program, in learning mode, consists of examples of starting graph and result graph pairs. The starting graph is transformable into the result graph by adding or deleting certain edges and vertices. The essential common features of the starting graphs are stored together...
Maternal, infant and young child nutrition: Guidance on ending the inappropriate promotion of foods for infants and young children. Geneva; 2016. Available from: https://apps.who.int/gb/ebwha/pdf_files/WHA69/A69_7Add1-en.pdf?ua=1 Baker P, Machado P, Santos T, Sievert K, Backholer K...
This chapter introduces an overview on the formulation of architecture principles, guidelines for a semi-formal definition and rules for modelling the architecture principles. We give insights on analysis and impact evaluation of aforementioned principle
A method for performing verification includes selecting a first set containing a seed register and adding to a second set a result of a subtraction of a fanout of the first set from a fanin of the fir
1. Introduction Using the iterative denoising diffusion principle, denois- ing diffusion models (DDMs) trained with web-scale data can generate highly realistic images conditioned on input text, layouts, and scene graphs [24, 25, 27]. After im- age generation, the next...
FIG. 9 illustrates graphs that show the dependency of error rate on query range which may be obtained when using SA-only and QI-SA processes; FIG. 10 illustrates graphs that show the dependency of error rate on query range which applying exemplary privacy functions to non-correlated microdata;...
Diagrammatic representations in Write Reason are graphs, and traversals are an established way to linearise a graph (Kleinberg and Tardos, 2006). Therefore, we compared the actual order participants moved ideas from their map to their essay text with the predicted order according to two common ...
Their dynamic program solves the resulting special case of the TSP, which is well-known to be strongly \(\mathcal{N}\mathcal{P}\)-hard for generals graphs, in polynomial time. Several extensions of this algorithm have been developed, including decentralized handover of picked products onto ...