TRANSFORMATIONAL leadershipURBAN hospitalsNURSESLEADERSHIPNURSING servicesSENSORY perceptionTransformational leadership in nursing is different from other industries. Nurses working pattern is different with different shift and many times they go through a lot of emotional changes with the...
The present study has aimed at identifying the relationship between transformational leadership and job satisfaction of registered nurses at Jordanian private hospitals, the population of the study consisted of registered nurses at private hospitals located in Amman (capital of Jordan). There have been ...
Safety-specific transformational leadership (SSTFL) has been examined in high-risk industries for decades with solid evidence for its effectiveness and influence on safety climates and safety outcomes. The concept has recently been introduced to healthcare, with an operational definition developed through...
作者: H Dargahi 摘要: Relationship Between Spiritual Quotient and Transformational Leadershipof Managers with Organizational Commitment of Staffs: A Case Study inthe Tehran University of Medical Sciences in Iran Abstract. DOI: 10.4172/2315-7844.1000210 年份: 2017 收藏...
Study participants were 208 nurses from public hospitals in South-eastern, Nigeria. The employees completed surveys on transformational leadership, management safety practices, work pressure, and compliance to safety work behaviour. Following moderated hierarchical regression analysis, the results indicated ...
Leadership is ideal for all kinds of workplaces and situations. In fact, you won’t be surprised to see it in different settings, such as offices, schools, hospitals, etc. Bass and Riggio further explained transformational leadership as those leaders who stimulate and inspire followers. While de...
Nurse managers can ensure medication safety by adopting a transformational leadership style. However, little evidence exists regarding how transformational leadership relates to medication safety.Data were collected from Registered Nurses (n=161) in three Finnish hospitals in May 2016 using an electronic ...
A systematic review of the influence of transformational leadership style on nursing staff in acute care hospitals International Journal of Evidence-Based Healthcare 9 ( 3 ), 301 .Holly C. & Igwee G. (2011) A systematic review of the influence of transformational leadership practices on nursing...
The Relationship Between Transformational Leadership and Social Capital in Hospitals—A Survey of Medical Directors of All German Hospitals Context: The German hospital market has been undergoing major changes in recent years. Success in this new market is determined by a multitude of factors. ... ...
This had a profound impact on the leadership and direction of the NETS and resulted in it taking a different direction from that intended. DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH The research design took the form of a mixed methods, longitudinal 3.5-year study aimed at...