(new BABYLON.Vector3(-1, -1, -1).normalize(), 0.001, BABYLON.Space.WORLD) small.rotationQuaternion = box.rotationQuaternion; matrix = box.getWorldMatrix(); y += 0.001; local_pos = new BABYLON.Vector3(0, y, 0); small.position = BABYLON.Vector3.TransformCoordinates(local_pos, matrix)...
aTransformCoords converts an array of points from map units to device units or vice versa. The TRANSFORM_TOMAP and TRANSFORM_TODEVICE flags control the direction of the transformation. The TRANSFORM_SIZE and TRANSFORM_POSITION flags specify whether the points are coordinates or sizes. TransformCoords...
using "tf2" to transform coordinates >Dependency: 1 #include <tf2_geometry_msgs/tf2_geometry_msgs.h>2 #include<tf2_ros/transform_listener.h> >To install the dependencies, do: 1[molmc-chy:~/SLAM-proj] 4s $ sudo apt-getinstall ros-indigo-tf2-geometry-msgs23[molmc-chy:~/SLAM-proj] 4s...
经过透视除法后,我们就得到了归一化的设备坐标(Normalized Device Coordinates, NDC)。这个立方体的x轴和y轴都很好确定,就是[-1, 1],但z轴不同的API会有不同的范围。例如OpenGL中z轴的范围是[-1, 1],但DirectX中z轴的范围是[0, 1]。 诶此时我们上面推导的正交投影矩阵似乎就不适用了,但其实变换一下非常...
Call this function to transform coordinate values betweenHIMETRICunits and the container’s native units. The first two flags,XFORMCOORDS_POSITIONandXFORMCOORDS_SIZE, indicate whether the coordinates should be treated as a position or a size. The remaining two flags indicate the direction of transf...
Pointer to a POINTF structure containing coordinates in the container's unit size. flags A combination of the following values: XFORMCOORDS_POSITION A position in the container. XFORMCOORDS_SIZE A size in the container. XFORMCOORDS_HIMETRICTOCONTAINER Transform HIMETRIC units to the container's ...
This functions transforms a set of coordinates in regular lon/lat degrees, grid_in = [lon, lat], to a set of coordinates in rotated lon/lat degrees, grid_out = [lon', lat'], and vice versa:[grid_out] = rotated_grid_transform(grid_in, option, SP_coor)...
A control uses this method when it has to send coordinates to a container within an event or some other custom call or when the control has container coordinates that it needs to convert into HIMETRIC units. Requirements 展开表 Headerocidl.h ...
It can also transform coordinates between other geodetic datums, provided that the necessary transformation parameters are available.doi:10.1080/00690805.1996.9714020Featherstone, W. E.Barrington, T. R.Taylor & Francis GroupSurveyorFeatherstone, W., Barrington, T.R.: A Microsoft Windows-based package ...