After a semester or two, some students find that they are unhappy on campus for various reasons. However, that doesn't mean students have to remain at a school that may not meet their academic, financial or social needs. Transferring is an option. Here are answers to eight frequently ...
As much as I love NYC, I've decided that FIT just isn't the school for me, and to transfer after this semester ends. It's important to remember that this is okay! If you're not feeling completely happy at the college you chose, chances are it's time to make a change. Watch my...
If you want to transfer after just one semester, you may have to make that decision by October of that year. Also, most colleges require that a student complete at least 51 percent of their credits at that institution to graduate, Switay says. Dr. Cavanaugh refers to this minimum amount...
Figuring out credit transfers can be confusing, so experts advise community colleges students to find a mentor – such as a faculty member or academic adviser – in their first semester to help with understanding the process and courses that typically transfer. Read: What to Know Abo...
Several students identified needs in more than one area. The IVR dialed one student after another until it had reached 10 students who identified an area of need from among the seven choices. At that point, the IVR discontinued calls for that day to give the Avila staff the chance to ...
to one that follows the semester system. 对于想转学外国或是英国学校体系的学生,就更难了。七德的前任升学指导Peter Carlisle老师是爱丁堡大学的研究生,他提到:“在英国转学很麻烦,英国学校不接受其他课程专业的学分。所以,如果学生想转学,他们要么就从大一重新开始,要么转到完全相同的专业(比如从生物学转到生物学)...
Those pursing an online bachelor's after an associate degree should be aware that some four-year schools have articulation agreements with certain community colleges, meaning that students can seamlessly transfer credits. Typically, existing agreements between two on-ground institut...
Those pursing an online bachelor's after an associate degree should be aware that some four-year schools have articulation agreements with certain community colleges, meaning that students can seamlessly transfer credits. Typically, existing agreements between two on-ground ...
Those pursing an online bachelor's after an associate degree should be aware that some four-year schools have articulation agreements with certain community colleges, meaning that students can seamlessly transfer credits. Typically, existing agreements between two on-ground ...