The relationship between plasma iron, transferrin saturation, and plasma iron turnover was studied in 53 normal subjects whose transferrin saturation varied between 17% and 57%, in 25 normal subjects whose transferrin saturation was increased by iron infusion to between 67% and 100%, and in five...
The TIBC refers to the amount of iron that would be needed to bind all of the transferrin in the blood. Normal values of TIBC range from 240-450 mcg/dL (43-80.6 umol/L). The serum iron level divided by the total iron binding capacity multiplied by 100 gives a transferrin saturation ...
In addition to the density of TRs on the tumor cell surface, the efficacy of Tf-toxin conjugate is influenced both by the Tf-iron saturation state and by the presence of free diferric Tf in the tumor microenvironment. The affinity of Tf-Saporin (Tf-SO6) to TR was greatly diminished whe...
transferrin saturationwomenSerum iron and total iron binding capacity (TIBC) were determined in a population sample of 1462 women in age strata between 38 and 60. Serum iron and TIBC values were similar in the various ages studied but with a slight trend towards higher serum iron and lower ...
SERUM IRON CONCENTRATION (SI) AND TRANSFERRIN SATURATION (SAT) ARE LOWER IN NORMAL CHILDREN THAN IN ADULTSPediatric Research publishes original papers, invited reviews, and commentaries on the etiologies of diseases of children and disorders of development, extending from molecular biology to epidemiology...
Iron status index combining ferritin, transferrin saturation (TSAT) and total iron-binding capacity (TIBC).Lucile MercadalMarie MetzgerJean Philippe HaymannEric ThervetJeanJacques BoffaMartin FlamantFrançois VrtovsnikCédric GauciMarc Froissart
transferrin saturation fractionpacked cellThe purpose of this study was to determine the serum iron and total iron binding capacity, transferrin saturation fraction and packed cell volume of blood donors in University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar. Serum iron concentration (SI), Total Iron ...
normal plasma. In addition, AS-associated hypercoagulability suggested a dysregulated coagulation. In this study, we found that transferrin, an endogenous plasma protein with high concentration of 40 μM that transports iron,36,37acts as a clotting regulator and an adjuster of coagulation balance...
Ferrokinetics: A biologic model for plasma iron exchange in man J Clin Invest, 49 (1970), p. 197 View in ScopusGoogle Scholar 14. Cazzola M, Huebers HA, Sayers MH, MacPhail AP, Eng M, Finch CA Transferrin saturation, plasma iron turnover, and transferrin uptake in normal humans Blood...
iron-binding capacity and summing these values. The percentage saturation of transferrin with iron is calculated by dividing the serum iron concentration by the TIBC and multiplying by 100. Serum TIBC is low-normal or decreased in association with inflammatory disorders (Feldmanet al., 1981b;Otten...