If you transfer digital video using firewire, you should expect perfect quality (i.e. identical to what you originally shot) and exactly the same length of video. What's more, it should transfer in real time, i.e. a 60 minute tape should take 60 minutes to transfer - using up more ...
(2) Me too (16) Reply Similar questions Transfer miniDV tapes from Sony Handicap DCR-HC52 to iMac 24"(Monterrey) I do not have the original video camera so bought a second-hand DCR-HS52. I had to buy a bilingual Firewire 800 - 400 cable and then an Apple Thunderbolt to Firewire...
10.3390/s19225046 www.mdpi.com/journal/sensors Sensors 2019, 19, 5046 2 of 20 consist of a meter stick and metric tapes [8]) is ubiquitous, which has costs in terms of heavy manual labor, the animal's stress response, and low efficiency due to long fatigue or differences in the ...
4.3. Influence of Transparent Film Material on Laser Power Threshold As shown in Figure 6a, the tapes are differently wetted by the pastes, and hence the tape film material significantly influences the laser power threshold. In this section, we discuss how optical properties of the polymer films...