These logical transfers are called posting changes in WM. When you confirm a transfer order, you inform the system that it has been processed and that the goods have arrived at the intended destination (see the section on confirming transfer orders). If the planned quantity (target quantity)...
I am confirming Transfer Order using L_TO_CONFIRM Function module.But Before Confirming i need to change Destination Bin. Is there any Function module to Change the Transfer Order Line Changing Destination Bin. Sudheer Know the answer? Help others by sharing your knowledge. Answer Need...
SAP WM初阶LQ02报错 - Movement Type 901 for manual transfer orders does not exist - SAP WM模块里的事务代码LQ02很有用。通过它可以通过在WM层面修改库存状态后自动触发IM层面的过账,一定程度上实现了自动化,比较方便。SAP项目实践中常常会使用到该事务代码。 执行事务代码LQ02, 输入相关参数,WM移动类型901,...
SAP WM初阶LQ02报错 -Movement Type 901 for manual transfer orders does not exist - SAP WM模块里的事务代码LQ02很有用。通过它可以通过在WM层面修改库存状态后自动触发IM层面的过账,一定程度上实现了自动化,比较方便。SAP项目实践中常常会使用到该事务代码。 执行事务代码LQ02, 输入相关参数,WM移动类型901,执...
Solved: Hi experts: My client wants to implant cycle counting in WM, we are using MIBC for CC indicator analysis and LX26 to create inv. doc. The material master is
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi Bhaskar, The below detail might help u out. In the Warehouse Management (WM) Benchmark, a transfer requirement (transaction LB01) is created to put three materials into stock. This transfer requirement is used to create a transfer order (LT04). Because...
You process differences when confirming a transfer order. This results in the update of the stock levels in WM. Afterwards, you need to clear the WM differences in IM.Processing OptionsYou can specify that you want to monitor the confirmation process on your terminal or that you want the ...
SAP WM Transfer Requirement 定义:在WMS系统中,用于物料移动计划的文档。用户可以通过TR是否为Open,TO是否已创建,TO是否已完成,判断出物料当前在仓库移动的状态. 用途: 触发或计划仓库的货物移动;查看仓库所有处于待移动的货物。 更新: TO创建,确认或取消时,TR会被更新;当TO未创建时,IM层的货物移动被取消,TR会...
Hi, Here I Explained Bin to Bin Stock Transfer in SAP Warehouse Management Systems using Transaction Code LT10. Transaction Code: LT10 Enter the Warehouse Number,
Hello SAP Experts, While creating the transfer order W.R.T to inbound delivery i am getting the below error. Storage unit 101328735 does not exist Message no. L3209 Process:- 1) I am made the transfer posting from AY01 S.loc (HU managed) to AY02 (HU Managed & WM managed S.loc...