or any otherformoftransfertoStates where the death penalty may be imposed, unless [...] daccess-ods.un.org daccess-ods.un.org 丹麦也拒 绝向可能会施行死刑的国家进行引渡或任何其他形式的移交,除非得到不适用死 刑的可信保证。 daccess-ods.un.org ...
on whether, before securingadocumentoftitle to certifythetransferupondeath of an owner of registered land, an intended [...] legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk (b) 討論在土地業權註冊制度 下,倘預定的遺產代 理人 尚未取 得業權文件,證明有關物 業已 在註冊土地的 擁 有人死亡時 轉移, 該遺 產代 理...
to the rightoftransferandthe registrationoftransfersofshares shall be applicable to any such noticeortransferasaforesaid as if the death, bankruptcy or winding-up of the member had not occurred and the noticeortransferwereatransferexecuted by such member. ...