转移(感情);传染(疾病);让与,转让(权力等)if youtransfera feeling, a disease, or power, etc., or if ittransfersfrom one person to another, the second person has it, often instead of the first 财产property 4. [t] ~ sth (to sb) ...
CASE STUDY: 1950-1970 SECTION- 6, THE TRANSFER OF PROPERTY ACT, 1882Berkeley Electronic Press Selected WorksMubashshir Sarshar
Hetransferredthe property to his son. 他把财产转让给了儿子。 牛津词典 Hetransferredto Everton for £6 million. 他以600万英镑的转会费转到埃弗顿队。 牛津词典 He wastransferredfrom Spurs to Arsenal for a huge fee. 他以巨额转会费从热刺队转到阿森纳队。
The values in the TransferEncoding enumeration are used with the AttachmentBase.TransferEncoding property.The Content-Transfer-Encoding header specifies the encoding of the associated message body so that it meets SMTP requirements. SMTP requires data for transport to be in 7-bit US-ASCII characters ...
If you get the following error: cannot find auto-link library XCTest and XCTestSwiftSupport, set the following property under Build Options from No to Yes. ENABLE_TESTING_SEARCH_PATHS to YES Manually If you prefer not to use any of the aforementioned dependency managers, you can integrate Moc...
damages or expenses sustained by the Non-Liable Parties arising out of claims or demands brought or established against the Non-Liable Party by a third party that the use of any materials made available by the Liable Party to the Non-Liable Party infringes the Intellectual Property rights of ...
Then, we show that there is a pure-strategy equilibrium in which the larger country sets a higher tax rate than the smaller one to become the source country of tax-motivated FDI. Section 5 concludes. 2. Monopoly model with FDI: Transfer pricing and regulations 2.1. Baseline model There are...
The top grid displays a list of the transaction codes and routing codes for your property. From this list, you can select the individual transaction codes and/or routing codes that will be transferred. The codes you have selected appear in the lower grid.For example, in the top grid, high...
VM112:2 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'state' of undefined error #For Mac and Linux$ UPGRADE_EXTENSIONS=1 npm run dev#For Windows$setUPGRADE_EXTENSIONS=1&&npm run dev Troubleshooting Your device is not recognized node-mac-permissionsthrowsSpeech framework is not compatible with macOS <...
This is called the automatic transfer of data.In both cases, data transfer is performed by PCSFT5.EXE on the workstation and by the PC Support/400 transfer program on the iSeries, eServer i5, or System i5.The Data Transfer icon is registered in the PC400 folder by installing PC400. ...