Vic stamp duty: value of work authority included in dutiable value of transfer of land.(Victoria)(real estate taxes)(Brief Article)Backeberg, AnneMarie
3. Bildkulturtransfer im globalen Zeitalter musealer Reproduzierbarkeit. Der Louvre Abu Dhabi was published in Über die Grenzen des Bildes on page 215.
Gulf (Bay) is a body of water partially enclosed by land but with a wide mouth, affording access to the sea. The bay ecosystem is expected to be an accumulation zone of antibiotics due to the high population density and poor water exchangeability. Identifying the concentration and composition ...
Recent advancements in the semiconductor integrated circuits and functional materials technologies have accelerated the demand of electronic and biomedical devices such as internet of things (IoT) and wearable sensors, which have low power consumption, miniature size and high data transfer efficiency. Wirel...
Application of ORCHIDEE-C lateral for Europe reveals that the lateral carbon transfer affects land carbon dynamics in multiple ways, and omission of this process in LSMs may lead to an overestimation of 4.5 % in the simulated annual net terrestrial carbon uptake over Europe....