文献链接:Transfer Learning for Nonparametric Classification: Minimax Rate and Adaptive Classifie 这是Tony Cai老师开启Transfer Learning一大串工作的第一项. 同时也开启了Posterior Drift Model的研究热潮,不得不说Tony Cai老师确实是统计学的弄潮儿... source distribution P 有大量有标签的优质数据,同时target distri...
上一期传送门: 陆加柒等于十三:Transfer Learning for Nonparametric Classification Minimax Rate and Adaptive Classifier(Note)这次Note主要做的是Theorem 3.1的证明。 Recall. 四个假设 Definition 1 (Relat…
In this paper, we propose an innovative Transfer learning for Time series classification method. Instead of using an existing dataset from the UCR archive as the source dataset, we generated a 15,000,000 synthetic univariate time series dataset that was created using our unique synthetic time seri...
Transfer learning for time series classification using synthetic data generation In this paper, we propose an innovative Transfer learning for Time series classification method. Instead of using an existing dataset from the UCR archive as the source dataset, we generated a 15,000,000 synthetic univari...
Transfer of learning trains a new domain for the classification of search queries according to different tasks, as well as the generation of a corresponding domain-specific query classifier that may be used to classify the search queries according to the different tasks in the new domain. The ...
Ashraf A, Naz S, Shirazi SH et al (2021) Deep transfer learning for alzheimer neurological disorder detection. Multimed Tools Appl 2:1–26 Google Scholar Basaia S, Agosta F, Wagner L et al (2019) Automated classification of Alzheimer’s disease and mild cognitive impairment using a single...
通常网络模型的前面几层可以看作是在抽feature,后面几层可以看作是在做classification,把feature做可视化,发现不同领域的数据,他们的feature完全不一样。 处理方式:抽特征时,消除领域特性(不同领域的feature不应该明显分开,应该混合在一起) 在feature extractor后面接一个domian classfier,区分抽取的特征属于哪一个领域...
Visualization of transfer learning in this work. The process is divided into 3 steps: (1) deep convolutional neural network (CNN) is pretrained on the Icentia11K5data set for a selected pretraining objective, e.g. classification of heart rate; (2) the pretrained weights are used as initial...
[Heterogeneous Transfer Learning for Image Classification] (http://www.cse.ust.hk/~yinz/htl4ic....
大家这样想,如果我们能够将mismatch的两类data,毫无区别的混合在一起,让我们model前面的网络来进行feature extraction,然后在分类层对于不同的task执行不同的classification,transfer learning就能做好了。 我们只需要增加一个叫做domain classifier的东西,这个东西有点类似GAN(对抗生成网络),不知道GAN的原理的小伙伴们不要...