I have some bode plot data in an excel sheet which contains following columns. Frequency / Hz Am1:Measured current Am1:Measured current I have a range of values under each of this columns, I am interested in finding the transfer function that can generate similar bode plot. Is this...
Homework Statement Given this function in an open loop control system http://img255.imageshack.us/img255/3686/700qa.jpg Draw a bode plot of the...
其Bode Plot为 8.2.2 Transfer Functions of Some Basic CCM Converters 对于buck, boost, buck-boost converter the control-to-output transfer function: duty cyle控制Vout传输函数 G_{vd}(s)=G_{d0}\frac{(1-\frac{s}{w_{z}})}{1+\frac{s}{Q\omega_{0}}+(\frac{s}{\omega_{0}})^{2}...
During the process, I came across the following blog (https://in.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/1628890-determine-the-bode-diagram-or-a-transfer-function-with-input-output-data-without-tfest ), where I could able to understand the gain and phase margins + coherence function plot based...
This results in the Plant, ErrorAmp and Closed Loop as the Picture below. To Plot the Closed Loop we simply multiply the OpenLoop with the ErrorAmp Function. From the plot we can now see the Closed Loop CrossOver Frequency just above 1kHz, "at the point where the Clo...
Homework Statement Hi, I'm given a transfer function, and am suppose to draw Bode plot from it. H(s) = ( 2000s (s - 1) ) / (s + 2000)^2 I'm wondering...
Mismatch between the frequency response of a... Learn more about transfer function, frequency response, bode
Important analysis in signal analysis including the transfer function, Bode diagram, Nyquist plot and Nichols plot are obtained based on the Laplace transform. The output of the analysis depends only on the results obtained from Laplace transform. However, one weakness of Laplace transform is that ...
using PSIM AC Sweep.I have saved bode plot data points (Frequency, Amplitude and Phase values)in a .txt file. Now I want to use MATLAB SYSTEM IDENTIFICATION TOOLBOX to get 's' domain transfer function expression of my dc-dc converter by using the frequency response (Bode Plot) data...
How to obtain transfer function coefficients... Learn more about transfer function, ode, control, system MATLAB, Simulink