创建并设置好你的数字钱包: 下载并安装一个受信任的钱包应用(如 Trust Wallet, MetaMask 等),或者购买一款硬件冷钱包(如 Ledger, Trezor)。 完成注册流程,并记录下助记词或私钥,以便未来恢复账户。 验证身份与账户信息: 登录到你的交易所账户(如 Binance, Coinbase 等),确认已完成 KYC(知道客户)认证。 确保你的...
appear to be giving Facebook or Libra an easy path. Even if we look at some of the current major sites such as Coinbase, it is still actually quite expensive to transfer crypto to non-crypto currencies because of the costs of on-ramping and off-ramping of currency between fiat and non...