然而,对于野外的数据(in-the-wild data),源域和目标域之间的分布可能无法很好的匹配,从而导致众所周知的域偏移问题(Domain Shift Problem)。为了弥补域之间的差异,转导式零样本学习(Transductive Zero-Shot Learning, TZSL)假设未见类的语义信息和所有测试图像的视觉特征都是预先知道的。但是以往的基于TZSL的方法仍然有...
为了缓解这种漂移,很多人就提出了Transductive ZSL的方法,即在训练的时候把unseen类的数据也用于visual-semantic embedding的构建,当然是没有标签的unseen数据,不然就不叫ZSL。 下图就很简单、形象的展示了Inductive ZSL和Transductive ZSL的训练、测试方法(来源于论文:Transductive Zero-Shot Recognition via Shared Model S...
Transductive zero-shot action recognition by word-vector embedding. Intl. Jour. Computer Vision, pp. 1-25. 2, 3X. Xu, T. Hospedales, and S. Gong, "Transductive zero-shot action recognition by word-vector embedding," International Journal of Com- puter Vision, pp. 1-25, 2017....
Transductive Zero-Shot Learning with VisualStructure ConstraintZiyu Wan ∗1 , Dongdong Chen ∗2 , Yan Li 3 , Xingguang Yan 4Junge Zhang 5 , Yizhou Yu 6 , Jing Liao †11City University of Hong Kong2Microsoft Cloud+AI3PCG, Tencent4Shenzhen University5NLPR, CASIA6Deepwise AI LabAbstractT...
transductive zero-shot and few-shot CLIP classification challenge in which inference is performed jointly across a mini-batch of unlabeled query samples rather than treating each instance independently. We initially construct informative vision-text probability features leading to a classification problem on...
In this paper, for the first time, we investigate and formalise a general framework for multi-label zero-shot learning, addressing the unique challenge therein: how to exploit multi-label correlation at test time with no training data for those classes? In particular, we propose (1) a multi...
Recently, zero-shot learning (ZSL) has received increasing interest. The key idea underpinning existing ZSL approaches is to exploit knowledge transfer via an intermediate-level semantic representation which is assumed to be shared between the auxiliary and target datasets, and is used to bridge ...
Transductive Zero-Shot Classification View Accuracy by Date Created with Highcharts 9.3.0ACCURACYZLaPZLaPOther modelsModels with highest Accuracy5. Apr28.4 Filter:untagged Edit Leaderboard RankModelAccuracyPaperCodeResultYearTags 1 ZLaP 28.4 Label Propagation for Zero-shot Classification with Vision-Langu...
【论文学习笔记】Transductive Unbiased Embedding for Zero-Shot Learning (2018_CVPR),程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
Transductive Unbiased Embedding for Zero-Shot Learning Jie Song1, Chengchao Shen1, Yezhou Yang2, Yang Liu3, and Mingli Song1 1College of Computer Science and Technology, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China 2Arizona State University, Tempe, USA 3Alibaba Group, Hangzhou, China Abstract Most ...