aPOD apical point of departureBPA bisphenol ABMD benchmark doseDES diethylstilbestrolEDC endocrine disrupting chemicalResource limitations often require risk assessors to extrapolate chronic toxicity from acute tests using assessment factors. Transcriptomic dose-response analysis following short-term exposures ...
The test provides a p-value for each gene pair, representing its departure from this expectation (Methods). The scale parameter d is user-configurable, allowing the user to probe the spatial texture at different scales, though in practice it is ultimately limited by spatial resolution of the da...
It is postulated that below a transcriptomic-based point of departure, adverse effects are unlikely to occur, thereby providing a chemical concentration to use in screening level hazard assessment. The present study extends previous work describing a high-throughput fathead minnow assay that can ...
Point of departureradiationrisk assessmentbenchmark dosePurpose Benchmark dose (BMD) modeling is used to determine the dose of a stressor at which a predefined increase in any biological effect above background occurs (e.g. 10% increase from control values). BMD analytical tools have the ...
Derived PoD (Point of Departure) values for transcriptional changes (0.011 mg/L) were about 200-fold lower than the corresponding PoD values for morphometric effects (2.53 mg/L), and close to levels observed in human blood serum or bird eggs. Our data suggest that currently applicable ...
We also determined the transcriptomic point of departure for each chemical by modeling gene expression changes as continuous systems which allows for the identification of a single concentration at which toxic effects can be predicted. This can then be investigated with confirmatory cell-based testing ...