et al. Global transcriptome and gene co-expression network analyses on the development of distyly in Primula oreodoxa. Heredity 123, 784–794 (2019). Download citation Received09 April 2019 Revised27 June 2019 Accepted27 June 2019 Published15 July ...
study. A specific focus was on generating gene expression datasets obtained using the Illumina sequencing platform. The following eight criteria were used to mine relevant BioProjects identified from PUBMED, Array Express, and NCBI GEO. This criterion included: 1. Must be a sulfate-reducing bacteria...
Digital expression was obtained using RNA samples from organs at different development stages and under different stress conditions. qPCR validated the digital expression data for a selection of 23 genes with high or low expression levels. Comparative gene expression analyses between the different tissues...
最后为科学界创建了一个Web应用程序,以探索这些原始数据和总结数据,以加快目前的神经科学和空间转录组学研究(。 We used the 10x Genomics Visium platform to define the spatial topography of gene expression in thesix-layeredhuman dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (...
45、e pattern (e.g. shh in nervous system) specific tissur, cell lineage or cell type (e.g. beta-globin gene in erythroid cells) individual cells (e.g. bcr, tcr) intracellular distribution,temporal restriction of gene expression cell cycle stage ( developmental stage (e.g. globin gene)...
The expression of insect CYP genes can also be rapidly up-regulated by application or ingestion of exogenous substances. Most inducible CYPs are expressed at relatively low levels under normal conditions, preventing the generation of harmful reactive oxygen species (Zangar et al., 2004). It has be...
After calculating the gene expression, we found that samples of CT and CS in NT had fewer genes than the samples in LT at the expression level of FPKM (the expected number of fragments per kilobase of transcripts per million mapped fragments) > 10, and CS was less than CT in LT ...
Sexually dimorphic phenotypes are generally associated with differential gene expression between the sexes. The study of molecular evolution and genomic location of these differentially expressed, or sex-biased, genes is important for understanding inter
The results of the cluster analysis showed that the differences in gene expression in ES_IS were significantly greater than those in IS_PS (Fig. 1C). Figure 1 Correlation analyses of gene expression in the somatic embryogenesis stages of tea. (A) Venn diagram of gene expression at different...
transcript information may help reveal what genes givestem cellstheir unique properties of developmental plasticity and continuous growth in culture, or which particular gene expression changes are associated withcancer. Furthermore, by considering the transcriptome, it is possible to generate a comprehensiv...