TSS是转录起始位点(Transcription Start Site)的英文缩写,是指DNA上一段与RNA聚合酶结合并起始转录的一段DNA序列。真核生物结构基因,由若干个编码区和非编码区互相间隔开但又连续镶嵌而成,去除非编码区再连接后,可翻译出由连续氨基酸组成的完整蛋白质,这些基因称为断裂基因。其中的编码区即为外显子,非编码区即为内...
转录起始位点(transcription start site):起始转录的第一个碱基,也是掺入到RNA中的第1个碱基。在转录研究中记为+1,其5… www.blog.163.com|基于13个网页 3. 转錄起始点 DNA上的相关位置正确排成一... ... (一)起始密码序列( initiation coding sequence) (二)转錄起始点(transcription start site) ....
transcription start site TSS的意思 TSS 英文缩写TSS 英文全称transcription start site 中文解释转录起始位点 缩写分类生物科学、医药卫生 缩写简介DNA上转录(from DNA to mRNA)起始的位置。
the transcription start site.transcription start site (+1). Binding sites for SF-1 factor (-503, -458, -102) are indicated. Inttranscription start site (+1). The results are representative of three independent ChIPtranscription start site (TSS). Values from H3 and mock reactions are shown ...
转录起始位点 双语对照 词典结果:网络释义 1. 转录起始位点
Replicate-based analysis improves accuracy of transcription start site (TSS) detection.aEvaluation of true and false positives on MAPCap (Multiplexed Affinity Purification of Capped RNA) data of embryos. TSS was detected by paraclu using individual replicates (embryos 1–4), pooled replicates (embryo...
Each transcription factor binds preferentially to a consensus sequence, or motif, usually located just upstream of the transcription start site—in other words, the promoter region. If a polymorphism disrupts that motif, the transcription factor may be less able to bind to the promoter and ...
Cap Analysis of Gene Expression (CAGE) has emerged as a powerful experimental technique for assisting in the identification of transcription start sites (TSSs). There is strong evidence that CAGE also identifies capping sites along various other location
The promoter region of the NPY gene consists of TATA and GC boxes which are separated from the transcription start site (TSS) by 29 and ~100 nt, respectively. Analyses of the tissue specific expression of the bovine NPY gene revealed the presence of highly abundant NPY gene transcripts in ...
Transcription start site (TSS): Site where DNA transcription begins. From:Seminars in Immunology,2016 About this page Set alert Chapters and Articles You might find these chapters and articles relevant to this topic. Epigenetics and Cancer, Part B ...