Transcription factor, molecule that controls the activity of a gene by determining whether the gene’s DNA is transcribed into RNA. Transcription factors control when, where, and how efficiently RNA polymerases, which catalyze the reactions that synthesi
What are transcription factors? This lesson will define transcription factors, discuss their functions, and their unique classes.
Transcription in eukaryotes is more complicated than in prokaryotes. First, the RNA polymerase of higher organisms is a more complicated enzyme than the relatively simple five-subunit enzyme of prokaryotes. In addition, there are many more accessory factors that help to control theefficiencyof the in...
Many transcription factors regulate gene expression in a lineage- and process-specific manner, despite being expressed in several cell types. Here, the authors show that the Hox transcription factor Ubx has lineage-specific interactomes, which contribute to its cell context-dependent functions. Julie ...
Islet Biology HindrikMulder, inMolecular Metabolism, 2017 3Transcription in mitochondria Regulation of transcription in mitochondria is unconventional. It requires the integrated action of two genomes and their control machineries, i.e., transcription factors, repressors, enhancers, and co-activators. The...
AlexeyUshmorov,ThomasWirth, inSeminars in Cancer Biology, 2018 Abstract FOX O family transcription factors are important for differentiation and function of multiple cell types. In B lymphocytes they play a critical role. The activity of FOXOs is directly regulated both by signaling from B cell...
Transcription factors (TFs) control specificity and activity of gene transcription, but whether a relationship between these two features exists is unclear. Here we provide evidence for an evolutionary trade-off between the activity and specificity in human TFs encoded as submaximal dispersion of aromati...
General transcription factors are proteins that help to position Pol II correctly on the promoter, the region of a gene where transcription is initiated, pull aside the two strands of DNA and then move Pol II into the elongation mode.
We assessed whether additional factors beyond SOX9 motif type could modulate RE sensitivity to SOX9 dosage among its direct targets. We focused on binding by other TFs, specifically TWIST1, NR2F1 and TFAP2A, as they have well-known roles in CNCCs and their binding in hESC-derived CNCCs ha...
Recent evidence has elucidated how multipotent blood progenitors transform their identities in the thymus and undergo commitment to become T cells. Together with environmental signals, a core group of transcription factors have essential roles in this pr