CONSTITUTION: Novel DNA, which contains C2H2-type zinc finger motif and codes stress-resistance transcription factor, is CaPIF1(Capsicum annuum Pathogen-inducible factor 1, two zinc-finger type) represented by the SEQ ID NO:1 or NbP IF1-L(Nicotiana benthamiana Pathogen Inducible Factor 1-Like) ...
In Arabidopsis thaliana, the AT-hook motif nuclear-localized (AHL) transcription factor family has been implicated in restricting rosette growth in response to stress. However, the mechanism by which AHLs repress growth in rosettes is unknown. In this study, we establish that SUPPRESSOR OF ...
The microphthalmia/transcription factor E (MiTF/TFE) transcription factors are responsible for the regulation of various key processes for the maintenance
Domain structure and binding profile of human BACH1 transcription factor.ADomain structure of BACH1.BBinding profile of human BACH1 transcription factor.CThe interaction between BACH1 and small Maf protein in the presence of DNA via the bZIP domain.DA DNA loop is developed through multimeric inter...
(FAC) after interacting with the basic leucine zipper (bZIP) transcription factor FD and the 14-3-3 proteins15,16,17. At the SAM the FAC induces flowering by activating the expression of flowering time genes, such as the MADS-boxSUPPRESSOR OF OVEREXPRESSION OF CO 1(SOC1) andAPETALA1(AP1...
a transcription factor upregulated in MDS HSCs, as a key regulator of erythropoiesis in MDS. Using gain and loss of function approaches in CD34+cells from healthy donors and MDS cases, we demonstrate the role of this TF in promoting inefficient erythroid differentiation, indicating thatDDIT3may ...
The bigwig format for each sample was created using the BEDTools suite ( with the normalization factor 10 million. ChIP density profiles were created with deeptools v3.4.0 [35]. Enrichment pathway analysis of ChIP-seq data was performed using the public web ...
Rose (Rosa chinensis) is a traditional famous flower with valuable ornamental characteristics. However, drought stress restricts its growth and development, leading to an abnormal phenotype. One of the main transcription factor (TF) protein groups in the
The insect-specific transcription factor, Broad-Complex (BR-C), regulates a variety of developmental processes including larval-pupal metamorphosis. We found thatTcBR-Cexpression is induced by 20E, and this induction is repressed by JH III inT. castaneum(Fig.6a), we therefore hypothesized that BR...
(Fig.2b). The presence of a large number of YAP bZIPs may explain the robust ability ofT. asperellumto adapt to environmental changes, but their exact functions need to be further investigated. InClaviceps purpurea, the transcription factor CPTF1, a homolog of ATF in mammals, is related to...