Women's trans-corporeality is essential in appreciating interconnectedness in the Anthropocene, as Ruth Ozeki shows in her 1998 novel My Year of Meats. Through a detailed analysis of the novel, it becomes clear that corporeality and commodification are intertwined. By ignoring the interconnectedness ...
Through tracing recent trends in the environmental humanities and building on Stacy Alaimos thesis of "trans-corporeality," this paper argues that this post-pandemic novel reveals a new kind of ethics that fosters inter-species awareness and human-nonhuman connection. In the concluding section, I ...
WARD, G. (1998), « Transcorporeality : The Ontological Scandal », Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester, 80, p. 235-252.Ward, Graham. "Transcorporeality: The Ontological Scandal." In Representation, Gender and Experience , edited by Grace Jantzen. Special issue ...
The two biofictional novels Julia Pastrana (2007) by Sandy Olson and Julian Fenech, and The Orphans of the Carnival (2016) by Carol Birch will be analysed through the lens of transcorporeality (Alaimo, 2010). By drawing on twenty-first century feminist theory on the body that has plac...
Alternative medicine Speaking From the Ill Body| Trans-Corporeality and Healing in Material Illness Narratives UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIADAVIS Elisabeth Krimmer HergesKatjaThis thesis examines the limits of current cultural and medical constructions of bodies, illness and healing in Western societies and ...
I mobilise Karen Barad's agential realist theory and Stacy Alaimo's concept of trans-corporeality to argue that Desai's light-hearted comic satire raises important questions about environmental and human exploitation. Examinations of the local, national, global, and historical aspects of India'...
Embodied geographies of domesticated water: transcorporeality, translocality and moral terrainsFeminismcorporealIranmixed-methodsAustraliamigrationThis article develops ideas of hydro-geographies at the scale of everyday embodied experiences to better understand the relationships between migration, household ...
R. Carey's 2014 zombie apocalypse novel The Girl with All the Gifts through the ecofeminist concept of transcorporeality as defined by Stacy Alaimo in Bodily Natures. Carey's heroine Melanie showcases how humans can re-conceptualize their relationship to a more-than-human, ...
2014. "Weathering: Climate Change and the Thick Time of Transcorporeality." Hypatia 29(3): 558-75.Neimanis, Astrida and Rachel Loewen Walker. "Weathering: Climate Change and the `Thick Time' of Transcorporeality." Hypatia, vol. 29, no. 3, 2014, pp. 558-575....
States of Suspension: Trans-corporeality at Sea. - ISLE (Inter- disciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment), 19.3, 476-494.States of Suspension: Trans-corporeality at Sea." ISLE, vol. 19, no. 3, 2012, pp. 476-493Alaimo, S. (2012) States of suspension: Trans-corporeality at ...