transcendental- existing outside of or not in accordance with nature; "find transcendental motives for sublunary action"-Aldous Huxley nonnatural,otherworldly,preternatural supernatural- not existing in nature or subject to explanation according to natural laws; not physical or material; "supernatural forc...
In case you don’t remember from math class, Pi is an “irrational and transcendental number” with decimals that “continue infinitely without repetition or pattern,” according to, the official website for the holiday. FromTime ...
9、Few men have had suchtranscendentalcapacity to stir the heart of people.(很少人有如此超群出众的打动人心的才能。) 10、Kant's meaning oftranscendentalmay be gathered by the way he distinguishes it from transcendent.(康德所说的“先验的”的意义,可从他所划分的“先验的”和“超越的”区别,绎出来。
10. Kant's meaning oftranscendentalmay be gathered by the way he distinguishes it from transcendent. 康德所说的“先验的”的意义,可从他所划分的“先验的”和“超越的”区别,绎出来。 youdao 11. The analysis of discourse operates therefore without reference to thetranscendentalsubject. ...
(Danaher,2019). Danaher’s treatment of technological utopianism is one of the most comprehensive of a philosopher of technology to date and deserves careful scrutiny. While the book’s arguments about meaning in a world without work have been widely discussed, the views on utopianism have only ...
the Special and the general Theory, a Clear Explanation that Anyone Can Understand, He made this point, stating that “Physical objects are not in space, but these objects are spatially extended. In this way, the concept of ‘empty space’ loses its meaning, and space can claim no existence...
“what is good or bad, worth doing and what not, what has meaning and importance … and what is trivial and secondary”. Negatively formulated: If people or universities lose this horizon “they would be at sea”. They would experience an “identity crisis, an acute form of disorientation...