In subject area: Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology Self-transcendence stands for spiritual nature of the personality, such as considering oneself an integral part of universe (Cloninger, Svrakic, & Przybeck, 1993). From: Neuropathology of Drug Addictions and Substance Misuse, 2016 ...
The illusion of modernism (liberalism) existed mainly in the belief that chaos, filth and ambiguity of the world would sooner or later be overcome by certain systematic and rational rules. Human spontaneity, intentions, goals, feelings, and ideals were all replaced by often senseless and calculatin...
Energy in the Bible expresses both the transcendence of uncreated energy and the immanence of created energy. The theology of divine energies is also a theology of human and cosmic energies intending to be faithful to the theandric dyad of energy, according to Constantinople III. Characteristics ...
How to restore human dignity and value amid the degradation, suffering, and death in the Nazi concentration camps. How to prevent another Hitler and Holocaust from happening again. At the same time, Frankl was also waging an intellectual battle against psychoanalysis and behaviourism, the two domin...
Both the Christian Bible and the MuslimHadithare replete with references to the one-eyed Antichrist/Dajjal. Many Muslims believe the Dajjal will be blind in the right eye. In fact, there is a verse in the Bible that is interpreted by many Christians to be a reference to a one eyed Antich...
BIBLE. Epistles of PaulPOSTMODERNISM (Philosophy)MODERNITYANTHROPOLOGYRELIGION & scienceLIFECONSTRUCTIVISM (Philosophy)DEATHOMNIPRESENCE of GodThis article explores a context for designing a new natural theology. The starting point is that traditional developments in this regard, from Augustine to...
For Husserl, phenomenological transcendence is said of phenomena that can only be given in profiles [Abschattungen], while for Heidegger transcendence is said of Dasein’s possibility to go beyond itself and toward the world, and to go beyond entities toward their being1. These different ...