Explicit transactions can be nested. This is primarily intended to support transactions in stored procedures that can be called either from a process already in a transaction or from processes that have no active transaction. The following example shows the intended use of nested transactions. The p...
This is primarily intended to support transactions in stored procedures that can be called either from a process already in a transaction or from processes that have no active transaction. The following example shows the intended use of nested transactions. The procedure TransProc enforces its ...
A practical approach the Nested Sets when creating hierarchies. A question about regular expressions in T-SQL A stored procedure returning a boolean value indicating wheter a specified value exists in a table. A transport-level error has occurred when receiving results from the server. (provider: ...
In a previous articleRollback Transaction in SQL Server, l explained how to use a Try..Catch block to commit and rollback transaction in stored procedure. In this article, we will use the same example to see how to rollbacknestedtransactions in Stored Procedures. CREATETABLETT (numint)GOINS...
These rules also apply to nested stored procedures. If procedureAcalls procedureB, procedureBcannot complete a transaction that was started in procedureAor vice versa. Each BEGIN TRANSACTION inAmust have a corresponding COMMIT (or ROLLBACK) inA, and each BEGIN TRANSACTION inBmust have a correspondi...
a nested stored procedure, a transaction started in the outer procedure cannot be completed in the inner procedure and vice versa. Each transaction started in the outer procedure must be completed there (committed or rolled back), and each transaction started in the inner procedure must be ...
As far as I know, with InnoDB you can use 'start transaction' and 'commit' within a stored procedure and it will do what you want. Rollback in this manner works fine for me. However, I recall reading somewhere that InnoDB does not allow nested transactions. So if you're calling ...
If you issue a second nested BEGIN TRAN...WITH MARK, that statement is skipped but causes a warning message. Run an update against all of the databases in the set. The mark for a specific transaction is inserted into transaction logs only on the server instance where the BEGIN TRAN...WIT...
Making a call to a stored procedure or function in the database is far more efficient and cost-effective than retrieving results from a database to be processed by a client—particularly if the client iterates over or discards portions of the raw data! Harnessing the Power of A...
SQL pool does have a few other restrictions that relate to transactions. They are as follows: No distributed transactions No nested transactions permitted No save points allowed No named transactions No marked transactions No support for DDL such as CREATE TABLE inside a user-defined tra...