Relationship NPS (rNPS), also called “relational NPS,” is a metric that measures customers' overall brand satisfaction. Unlike tNPS, rNPS doesn't concern specific interactions like product/service purchases. Instead, it focuses on a bigger picture, assessing the ongoing relationship with the brand...
Learn how you can apply NPS data in different ways, including a relationship metric or transactional feedback.
Understand the differences between transactional and relational Net Promoter Scores and how to use them to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty.
In this article we examine the fundamental premises of our cognitive-relational theory of emotion and coping and assess our progress in examining them through 10 years of programmatic empirical research. Our discussion involves the metatheoretical topics of transaction and relationship, process, and emot...
Challenges of the Nonprofit-Government Relationship: Moving from Relational to Transactional ContractingNever, Brentde Leon, Erwin
efullymediatedtherelationshipbetweentransformationalleadershipandtask performanceaswellasorganizationalcitizenshipbehaviors. 在研究型的时候,不少研究显示了型与组织认同(organizational identity)和成员交换理论(LMX)之间的关系。VenkatR.Krishnan(2004)在研究中发 现,型对于成员交互和员工一致性(congruence)具有中介作用。2005)...
A transactional system will generally utilize an application oriented or entity relational database model, while an OLAP system will oftentimes employ a subject oriented model that stores data in a simple star or snowflake schema.Another area in which OLAP and OLTP systems differ from on another ...
and how can organizational trust and organizational ambidexterity intervene in such a relationship between transactional leadership and organizational agility? Hence, the current study seeks to resolve these two questions by analyzing the relationship between transactional leadership and organizational agility, ...