The term reassessment is used by Lazarus in two contexts. On the one hand, it relates to the evaluation process, but on the other reassessment is a coping strategy. Coping can affect stress and emotions simply making a reassessment of the situation. ...
This payment often took the form of buying alcoholic drinks for the women, after which the men explained that they would take charge in determin- ing where, when and how the sexual encounter was to unfold. Men frequently portrayed themselves as in con- trol of a rather unemotional event, ...
we have noted that for young women a man's physical attractiveness, his social prestige or simply affection could all override material considerations. Furthermore, gifts sometimes symbolised the man's love or/and long term ability to support his partner...
This may be explained by the fact that young, socially and economically vulnerable women have less incentive to forego the rewards of risk behaviour that are linked to financial and material gain [67]. In the context of pov- erty and inequality, the poor are also known to engage in riskier...
Findings - Relationship development is explained by stages or state theory, whereby relationships develop over time or simply emerge. Confirmation is offered to the states theory, which suggests that relationships are relatively static and develop in less well-defined ways. Research limitations/...
As an HR manager in charge of staffing for a restaurant chain, John is most likely NOT responsible for ___. A) training B) job analysis C) recruitment D) selection ___ is a group of workers from different functional areas of a...
At each iteration, we will simply choose the single-transaction hyperrectan- gle with maximal number of uncovered DB elements and try to add it into H′. If its addition can decrease γ(H′), we will add it to H′. By adding S = {tj} × Ii into H′ = Ti × Ii, H′ will ...
InformationModelingandRelationalDatabases:FromConceptualAnalysis toLogicalDesign TerryHalpin SpatialDatabases:WithApplicationtoGIS PhilippeRigaux,MichelScholl,andAgnesVoisard SQL:1999—UnderstandingRelationalLanguageComponents JimMeltonandAlanR.Simon ComponentDatabaseSystems ...
Further, the young women’s casual regard for HIV suggests that the virus was not considered the most urgent threat to circumvent [22], as judgment and social exclusion by peers were perceived to pose a greater hazard. This may be explained by the fact that young, socially and economically ...
remains satisfied with the transaction because of the short period of time needed to complete the transaction. The reliability and the speed of completion of the overall transaction is ensured by relying on the “transaction master” model and the use of the trusted cache212, as explained below....