Step 4:In theABAP Dictionary: Initial Screentype the name of the standard table for which you want to find the information. Database table:EKKO Step5:Dictionary: Display Tablesscreen shows all the fields of theEKKOtable. Step6:In theST05 Performance Tracewindow press theDeactivate Trace on All...
you can also have a look viaSE16in your own SAP system. Alternatively, Use transactionSE11- ABAP Dictionary: Fill in the Database table name and click the Display button. -TSTCtable
Solved: HI !!! I need to make a transaction to enter to the data browser of the se11 for a table, i now that its in the transaction SE93, but i dont find how, somebody
SAPR/3ABAP/4Transaction培训培训 目录(目录(一)R/3ABAP/4Dictionary R/3abap/4DomainR/3abap/4DataelementR/3abap/4TableR/3abap/4structuresR/3abap/4viewsR/3abap/4searchhelpR/3abap/4lockobjectsR/3abap/4TransportandcorrectionofobjectsR/3abap/4PooledandclustertablesR/3abap/4Newdevelopmentsinthe...
function modules has structure RSDS_TEXPR from the RSDS type group. Transfer thevalues of this export parameter by means of the internal table <freesel> of the samestructure to the called report.要使用此选项,必须将调用报表和被调用报表都连接到支持动态选择的逻辑数据库。在调用报表中,使用功能模块...
SAP ERP SAP ERP View products (2) Hi Experts, In T-Code OH11, i am not able to copy and create wagetypes. In the beginning of the table, there is a SAP standard secondary WT ( /TPA- Total package) which is not allowing me to do any operations in the table ( like selecting...
The basis item categories must be defined in the document splitting rule for the business transaction. The following table gives for each available business transaction the business processes that are covered by the document splitting rules in the standard document splitting method: Available Business ...
Fields in the Extraction StructureDescription of the Field in the Extraction StructureTable of OriginField in the Table of Origin CLIENT Client /AIN/TBTTYPET CLIENT LANGU Language Key /AIN/TBTTYPET LANGU ID_TYPE ID Type /AIN/TBTTYPET ID_TYPE CODE Internal Code Key /AIN/TBTTYPET...
bdcdata_tab TYPE TABLE OF bdcdata. CLEAR bdcdata_wa. *- initial screen--- bdcdata_wa-program = 'SAPLCNPB_M'. bdcdata_wa-dynpro = '1000'. bdcdata_wa-dynbegin = 'X'. APPEND bdcdata_wa TO bdcdata_tab. *--- search document PEP - bdcdata_wa-program = 'SAPLCNPB_W'. bdcdata_wa-dyn...
SAPSource SASSStyleSheet 儲存 SaveAll SaveAndClose SaveAs SaveFileDialog SaveTable 產生 ScalarFunction ScalarFunctionError ScalarFunctionWarning 規模調整 散佈圖 ScatterLineChart ScatterSmoothLineChart 散佈圖檢視 結構描述 SchemaError SchemaProperty SchemaWarning ScissorTest 範圍 ScopeRoot 螢幕擷取畫面 螺絲起子 指令...