typedef struct _TRANSACTION_NOTIFICATION { PVOID TransactionKey; ULONG TransactionNotification; LARGE_INTEGER TmVirtualClock; ULONG ArgumentLength; } TRANSACTION_NOTIFICATION, *PTRANSACTION_NOTIFICATION; 成员TransactionKey此事务的用户定义不透明 ID。TransactionNotification此...
typedef struct _TRANSACTION_NOTIFICATION { PVOID TransactionKey; ULONG TransactionNotification; LARGE_INTEGER TmVirtualClock; ULONG ArgumentLength; } TRANSACTION_NOTIFICATION, *PTRANSACTION_NOTIFICATION; 成員 TransactionKey 此交易的使用者定義不透明識別碼。 TransactionNotification 此交易 的NOTIFICATION_MASK 值。
typedef struct _TRANSACTION_NOTIFICATION { PVOID TransactionKey; ULONG TransactionNotification; LARGE_INTEGER TmVirtualClock; ULONG ArgumentLength; } TRANSACTION_NOTIFICATION, *PTRANSACTION_NOTIFICATION; 成员 TransactionKey 此事务的用户定义不透明 ID。 TransactionNotification 此事务 的NOTIFICATION_MASK 值。 Tm...
A transaction notification system provides a transaction notification service for enabling early detection and prevention of consumer account fraud by providing a notification message to a subscriber of the service when a subscriber's account is used. Architecturally, an automated configuration of the ...
Can anyone provide me solution regarding how to create transaction notification for documents which are in draft mode.I have GRPO and Purchase Request for which I have to put validation for selection of project,Cost centers and vendor reference number and regarding to quantity also.Transaction notif...
找到SBO帐套里面的【可编译性】-【存储过程】-【系统存储过程】-【SBO_SP_TransactionNotification】 S01 右键【修改】存储过程 S02 USE [SBODEMOCN] GO /*** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[SBO_SP_TransactionNotification] Script Date: 2019-11-4 17:21:43 ***/ SET ANSI_...
The SP_TransactionNotification is the only legal way in SAP Business One to receive notification of data-driven events - in order words to do some validation in SAP Business One and prevent the user from doing an action if the validation condition fails. This stored procedure(SP) is created ...
typedefstruct_TRANSACTION_NOTIFICATION_RECOVERY_ARGUMENT{GUID EnlistmentId; UOW UOW; } TRANSACTION_NOTIFICATION_RECOVERY_ARGUMENT, *PTRANSACTION_NOTIFICATION_RECOVERY_ARGUMENT; Members EnlistmentId A GUID that identifies an enlistment object. KTM is providing the notification to this enlistment object. ...
0 Kudos 2,412 SAP Managed Tags: SAP Business One Hi Experts, I had never used Transaction Notification (SP) can you tell how to use it or any note for the same. Thanks KamleshKnow the answer? Help others by sharing your knowledge. Answer Need more details? Request clarification ...
1. 错误栈:从截图中可以看出是由于操作Notification导致的这个异常 2. 引发原因:可以进行自查 a)有定时重复更新 Notification 视图的操作 b)Notification 视图中的 RemoteView 不是每次都新建 c)调用了 RemoteView 的 setTextViewText 方法进行视图更新操作。(该方法的长期调用会导致 RemoteView 对象大小的超限,如下...