org.hibernate.TransactionException: nested transactions not supported错误的解决方法! 一般这个错误都是因为你的事务没有提交,如下: publicvoidaddUploadFile(UploadedFile uploadedFile)throwsException{ Session session=su.getCurrentSession(); Transaction ts=session.beginTransaction();try{;...
用ssh架构进行开发的时候,配置hibernate如果出现org.hibernate.TransactionException: nested transactions not supported这个异常, 那是因为你的事务没有提交 ,检查下代码。 一般是实现DAO接口的那个java文件。Transaction的对象没有提交事务 也就是commit()这个方法...
Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (EAP) 7.x Issue When invoking a batchlet, the following error occurred. Raw WARN [org.jberet] (Batch Thread - 2) JBERET000001: Failed to run batchlet org.jberet.job.model.RefArtifact@3457ab00: javax.transaction.NotSupportedException: WFTXN0001...
6.NOT_SUPPORTED 7.NEVER 8.NESTED 三、总结 传播特性 AOP自调用问题 事务失效场景 一、@Transactional 7个传播特性 事务的传播特性有如下7个: public enum Propagation { REQUIRED(0), SUPPORTS(1), MANDATORY(2), REQUIRES_NEW(3), NOT_SUPPORTED(4), NEVER(5), NESTED(6); private final int value; p...
Transaction Set Not Supported Transaction set schema contains one or more of control segments ISA, IEA, GS, GE Transaction Set Trailer Missing UNA segment is invalid. It did not contain 6 fields Unable to access agreement Unable to access agreement using receiver identity Unable to access party ...
Bug #71502EntityFramework Database.BeginTransaction: Nested Transaction are not supported Submitted:28 Jan 2014 17:50Modified:10 Aug 2022 17:21 Reporter:Charles LohEmail Updates: Status:ClosedImpact on me: None Category:Connector / NETSeverity:S1 (Critical) ...
NOT_SUPPORTED 如果使用的是NOT_SUPPORTED,那么Spring将会首先暂停现有的transaction,然后在非transaction情况下执行业务逻辑。 我们这样使用: 代码语言:javascript 复制 @Transactional(propagation=Propagation.NOT_SUPPORTED)publicvoiddeleteBookWithNotSupported(Long id){} ...
throw new NestedTransactionNotSupportedException("JpaDialect does not support ..."); } return savepointManager; } 可以考虑用 Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW 代替一下。 3、如果这个异常发生时,内层需要事务回滚的代码还没有执行,则可以@Transactional(noRollbackFor = {内层抛出的异常}.class),指定内层也不为这个...
Description:Hello, If I try to simultaneously create 2 connections inside the same TransactionScope I get the following exception: "Multiple simultaneous connections or connections with different connection strings inside the same transaction are not currently supported." So, why not just automatically use...
Describe the bug Hello, it is documented I can run queries without transactions here by annotating with @transactional(NOT_SUPPORTED) or @transactional(NEVER). But it doesn't work. The exception is "TransactionRequiredException Executing...