Transaction Management (Java Enterprise in a Nutshell)David FlanaganJim Farley
上面注解的主要作用就是帮我们Import了TransactionManagementConfigurationSelector这个类,它的主要功能如下: 这个类目前就是帮我们在Spring中注入了ProxyTransactionManagementConfiguration,大家一看名称就知道这是一个配置类(配置类一般都是帮我们注入各种需要的Bean)如下它帮我们做的事情。 @Bean(name = TransactionManagement...
Spring事务管理可以通过@EnableTransactionManagement注解开启,通过对@EnableTransactionManagement的分析,就能揭开Spring启用事务的底层机制。 直接开始源码分析。 @EnableTransactionManagement注解作用在配置类上,引入了TransactionManagementConfigurationSelector,这个先放一放,后面再分析。 @Target(ElementType.TYPE)@Retention(Retent...
Java Transaction Management Just a few weeks ago, I had a discussion with one of my colleagues about how to manage the transaction in our innovation project, and I found it a big bang knowledge when dig into details. So I want to go through these details and give an internal knowledge ...
Programmatic transaction management 该方法使用编程代码的方式管理transaction,更灵活,但维护困难。 例子: DAO class: importjava.util.List;importjavax.sql.DataSource;importorg.springframework.dao.DataAccessException;importorg.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate;importorg.springframework.transaction.PlatformTransac...
The resource manager in our discussion is a relational database management system (RDBMS), such as Oracle or SQL Server. All of the actual database management is handled by this component. The resource adapter is the component that is the communications channel, or request translator, between th...
* Typically called by resource management code. * Note that synchronizations can implement the * {@linkorg.springframework.core.Ordered} interface. * They will be executed in an order according to their order value (if any). *@paramsynchronization the synchronization object to register *@throws...
User applications should not use this interface directly, but use UserTransaction insted if they need to do their own transaction management. Internally, the transaction manager associates transactions with threads, and the methods here operate on the transaction ass...