if it is a system transaction then you will get the value "3" in this column.I'm not sure what would set the transaction type to "2" as I did a quick test on a read-only database with a SELECT statement and this still indicated a value of "1"....
在SQL Server中打开:键入 ---事务处理 ---事务的分类 ---1. 显式事务:使用begin tran明确指定事务开始,即关于事务的所有操作由用户使用代码自行控制 use CompanyDB go ---创建表,模拟汇款转账 create table AccountInfo ( AccountGUID int primary key identity, AccountName nvarchar(20) not null, AccountTyp...
UPDATEtbUserWalletSETAmount=Amount-@TAmountWHEREOpenID=@OutOpenID UPDATEtbUserWalletSETAmount=Amount+@TAmountWHEREOpenID=@InOpenID --SELECT 1+'A' INSERTINTO[dbo].[tbTransaction]([TID],[OpenID],[TAmount],[TTID],[TDesc],[CreateDT])VALUES(NEWID(),@InOpenID,@TAmount,@TTID,@InTDesc,GETDATE(...
SQL Server Azure SQL Database Azure SQL Managed Instance Azure Synapse Analytics Analytics Platform System (PDW) Warehouse in Microsoft Fabric SQL database in Microsoft Fabric Marks the starting point of an explicit, local transaction. Explicit transactions start with theBEGIN TRANSACTIONstatement and en...
適用於:sql Server Azure SQL 資料庫 Azure SQL 受控執行個體 azure Synapse Analytics Platform System (PDW) warehouse in Microsoft Fabric SQL database in Microsoft Fabric標示順利完成的隱含或明確的交易結束。 如果 @@TRANCOUNT 為1, COMMIT TRANSACTION 則會在交易開始後進行所有數據修改,成為資料庫的永久部分...
This article describes how to back up a transaction log in SQL Server by using SQL Server Management Studio, Transact-SQL, or PowerShell.
During the initial stages of a database recovery process, SQL Server discovers all VLFs in all transaction log files, and builds a list of these VLFs. This process can take a long time depending on the number of VLFs present in the specific database. The more VLFs, the longer the ...
The first is sys.dm_tran_database_transactions, which is described in SQL Server books online (BOL) as follows: “Returns information about transactions at the database level.”The second is sys.dm_tran_session_transactions, which simply: “Returns correlation information for associated ...
Syntax for SQL Server and Azure SQL Database. syntaxsqlCopy ROLLBACK{TRAN|TRANSACTION} [transaction_name| @tran_name_variable|savepoint_name| @savepoint_variable] [ ; ] Syntax for Synapse Data Warehouse in Microsoft Fabric, Azure Synapse Analytics, and Parallel Data Warehouse Database. ...
For more information, see Transactions, Performing Transactions in ODBC, and Transactions in SQL Server Native Client. By default, transactions are managed at the connection level. When a transaction is started on a connection, all Transact-SQL statements executed on that connection are part of the...