redo allocation latch:此latch发生于,在log buffer内,为每个事物条目(transaction entry)分配内存空间的时候。隐含参数“_log_p…|基于15个网页 2. 事务条目 ...segment),那么在其可用空间区中还可能会存储事务条目(transaction entry)。
对顶级 jaasLoginContextEntry 元素的引用(字符串)。 用于认证的 JAAS 登录上下文入口。如果服务器正在运行时更新,那么会针对新连接请求应用更新;正使用的连接不会受影响。 jdbcDriverRef 对顶级 jdbcDriver 元素的引用(字符串)。 数据源的 JDBC 驱动程序。如果服务器正在运行时更新,那么会损坏现有连接。 jndiName ...
If the same credit card is added to a merchant's Vault multiple times, each Vault entry will have the same unique identifier. This value is randomly generated by merchant gateway account, so it will be different for each merchant's Vault. currencyIsoCode The currency for the transaction (e...
refundAmount: 9000 KRW (transactionAmountValue) forrefund. On 2018/12/26, Alipay generates a CSV file with a file nametransactionItems_20181225_000.csv. In this case, the merchant customer ID is 1022188000000000001. The file path is/v1/settlements/1022188000000000001/20181225/transactionItems_2018122...
How to Use Em Dashes (—), En Dashes (–) , and Hyphens (-) Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? Popular in Wordplay See All 'In Vino Veritas' and Other Latin Phrases to Live By ...
Use the Transaction Types window to define additional transaction types to customize transaction entry. A user-defined transaction type is a combination of a user-defined transaction source type and a predefined transaction action. For example, if you frequently donate items to charity, you might ...
db.Entry(t2).State = EntityState.Added; db.SaveChanges();//事务统一提交(若失败则统一回滚)trans.Complete(); Console.WriteLine("自增提交成功"); }catch(Exception) { Transaction.Current.Rollback(); } } } } 多个DBContext、多个数据库的情况。
The following options are available when you right-click on an entry in the Transaction Setup screen:Change Code in whole system - Select this option to assign a new transaction code number to an existing transaction code. If this transaction code has been selected as a value for an ...
Screen number: 0901 In the 'Function module' area, enter the name of your PBO module in field 'Before Output' (For Eg ZZZZ_REGC_PBO_Z901), and enter the name of your PAI module in the 'After Entry' field (For Eg ZZZZ_REGC_PAI_Z901). Leave the values of the ...
db1.Entry(t1).State = EntityState.Added; db1.SaveChanges(); //数据库2 TestOne t2 = new TestOne() { id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), //可以在此处手动制造个错误,来测试多数据库的回滚问题 t1 = "222", t2 = "2222" };