第二种方式:在桌面建立一个sap的shortcut,配置好相关信息后,把该文件上传至MIME repository,然后webdynpro中直接打开该文件。操作步骤如下: 1. Create an SAP shortcut on the desktop. Choose 'Transaction' as type, input the Tcode,...
im_infnr = itab-infnrim_ekorg = 'B000'im_werks = itab-werks.工厂:DATA: ls_vt001w TYPE v_t001w.ls_vt001w-mandt = sy-mandt.ls_vt001w-werks = itab-werks.CALL FUNCTION 'VIEW_MAINTENANCE_SINGLE_ENTRY'EXPORTINGaction = 'SHOW'view_name = 'V_T001W'CHANGINGentry = ls_vt001w.注...
Step 4:In theABAP Dictionary: Initial Screentype the name of the standard table for which you want to find the information. Database table:EKKO Step5:Dictionary: Display Tablesscreen shows all the fields of theEKKOtable. Step6:In theST05 Performance Tracewindow press theDeactivate Trace on All...
PU00Delete PA infotypes for an employee. Will not be able to delete an infotype if there is cluster data assigned to the employee. Sales and Distribution (SD) OLSDConfig for SD. Use Tools-Data Transfer-Conditions to setup SAP supplied BDC to load pricing data VA01Create Sales/Returns Order...
0 Kudos 35,137 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, I want to know what is master data and what it transaction data in detailed Regards SumanReply 1 ACCEPTED SOLUTION Former Member 2008 Feb 29 6:15 AM 2 Kudos 4,607 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Master Data is the...
SAP 内存管理--ABAP内存 数据3、使用CALL TRANSACTION/SUBMIT/CALL DIALOG等命令调用其他程序时,会生成内部会话并共享ABAP内存数据 4、FREE MEMORY ID,删除ABAP内存实例: 1、在程序一中获取数据,并使用“EXPORT GT_DATA TO MEMORY ID 'ZMMID'.”语句传值: 2、另在程序二中使用“IMPORT 动态编程 变量,用来接受...
ABAPDEMOCALLTRANSACTION使用_SAP刘梦_新浪博客 CALL TRANSACTION的用法 首先看下标准语法: Syntax Forms Simple transaction call 1. CALL TRANSACTION ta WITH|WITHOUT AUTHORITY-CHECK [AND SKIP FIRST SCREEN]. Transaction call using batch input table...
R/3ABAP/4Dictionary 目标:•Whatisadatadictionary?•CancreateDataelement,domain,table,structure,etc•howtobeIntegratedintotheABAP/4DevelopmentWorkbench 5 Whatisadatadictionary?它是数据源的收集中心它是数据库中所有字段的属性的收集中心它是数据库关联中心 6 Whichdata?Whichattributes?Howisthedatalinked?ABAP...
Reply former_member194797 Active Contributor 2008 Feb 05 3:11 PM 0 Kudos 7,247 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development If you want the code for a given transaction, use SHDB for recording the transaction; then you can generate a sample code from SHDB with yoour own data. Reply ...
SE80 ABAP/4 Development Workbench SE80 Repository Browser: Initial Screen. SE81 SAP Application Hierarchy SE82 Customer Application Hierarchy SE84 ABAP/4 Repository Information System SE85 ABAP/4 Dictionary Information System SE86 ABAP/4 Repository Information System SE87 Data Modeler Information System...