sql事务处理回滚及保留点transaction,ROLLBACK 1 BEGINTRANSACTION 2 INSERTINTOCustomers(cust_id,cust_name) 3 VALUES('100000010','Toys_Emporium'); 4 SAVETRANSACTIONStartOrder; 5 INSERTINTOOrders(order_num,order_date,cust_id) 6 VALUES(20100,'2001/12/1','100000010'); 7 IF@@ERROR<>0ROLLBACKTRAN...
sql事务处理回滚及保留点transaction,ROLLBACK 1 BEGINTRANSACTION 2 INSERTINTOCustomers(cust_id,cust_name) 3 VALUES('100000010','Toys_Emporium'); 4 SAVETRANSACTIONStartOrder; 5 INSERTINTOOrders(order_num,order_date,cust_id) 6 VALUES(20100,'2001/12/1','100000010'); 7 IF@@ERROR<>0ROLLBACKTRAN...
Add a html content to word document in C# (row.Cells[1].Range.Text) Add a trailing back slash if one doesn't exist. Add a user to local admin group from c# Add and listen to event from static class add characters to String add column value to specific row in datatable Add comments...
命名空間: Microsoft.Data.SqlClient 組件: Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.dll 套件: Microsoft.Data.SqlClient v5.2.0 多載展開資料表 Rollback() 從暫止狀態復原交易。 Rollback(String) 從暫止狀態中復原交易,並指定交易和儲存點名稱。Rollback() 從暫止狀態復原交易。 C# 複製 public override void Roll...
--insert a two records, and then roll back --the transaction named in the variable --@TransactionName. BEGIN TRAN @TransactionName INSERT INTO ValueTable VALUES(1) INSERT INTO ValueTable VALUES(2) ROLLBACK TRAN @TransactionName INSERT INTO ValueTable VALUES(3) ...
Rollback() 从挂起状态回滚事务。 Rollback(String) 从挂起状态回滚事务,并指定事务或保存点名称。Rollback() Source: System.Data.SqlClient.notsupported.cs 从挂起状态回滚事务。 C# 复制 public override void Rollback (); 例外 Exception 在尝试提交事务时出错。 InvalidOperationException 已提交或回滚...
适用于:Microsoft Fabric Microsoft Fabric SQL 数据库中的 SQL Server Azure SQL 数据库 Azure SQL 托管实例 Azure Synapse Analytics Analytics Platform System (PDW) Warehouse 此语句将显式或隐式事务回滚到事务的开头,或回滚到事务内的保存点。 可用于 ROLLBACK TRANSACTION 清除从事务开始或保存到保存点进行的所...
declare exit handler for sqlwarning rollback; START TRANSACTION; # flush tables and repopulate delete from test; call sp_testB(); COMMIT; END; # stored proc that gets called CREATE PROCEDURE sp_testB() BEGIN DECLARE name_var varchar(50); ...
一个事务通常以BEGIN TRANSACTION开始,以COMMIT或ROLLBACK结束。 SQL提供了事务提交和事务撤销两种命令。 (1)事务提交。事务提交的命令为: COMMIT [WORK] 事务提交标志着对数据库的某种应用操作成功地完成,所有对数据库的操作都必须作为事务提交给系统时才有效。事务一经提交就不能撤销。 (2)事务撤销。事务撤销的...
Rollback(String) Rolls back a transaction from a pending state, and specifies the transaction or savepoint name. Rollback() Source: System.Data.SqlClient.notsupported.cs Rolls back a transaction from a pending state. C# publicoverridevoidRollback(); ...