transtat英音: ['trænstæt] 美音: ['trænstæt] 可调变压器相关短语 neutral bushing (变压器的) 中性点套管 crossover coil(变压器的) 圆柱形线圈 medium voltage bushing (变压器的) 中压套管 reflected secondary impedance (变压器) 折算到一次线圈的二次阻抗 five limbs type core (变压器的) 五...
【问题描述】__all_virtual_trans_stat统计活跃事务数量监控告警,显示活跃事务数量异常突增,日常极低,突增三次,每次半小时左右,峰值可达10000+。但控制台界面看不到该现象,tps略有下降,事务数量无明显增加,未看到阻塞。活跃事务数量监控sql:select count(1) as acviveTrxCount from oceanbase.__all_virtual_trans...
分布式数据库OceanBase 企业版文档中心,提供关于 oceanbase.__all_virtual_trans_stat的相关内容,方便用户更好的应用分布式数据库OceanBase企业版
transtat /'trænstæt/ 生词本:添加笔记: 有奖纠错 | 划词 英汉-汉英词典 n.可调变压器,自耦变压器 英语例句库 1.Jacques Derrida,Of Grammatology,transtated by Spivak.Johns Hopkins University Press. 《解构之图》,保罗·德曼著,李自修等译。中国 ...
statprocId Method [AX 2012] ProjTrans.statusAccountItemLedgerDimension Method [AX 2012] ProjTrans.statusAccountLedgerDimension Method [AX 2012] ProjTrans.subscriptionId Method [AX 2012] ProjTrans.tableId Method [AX 2012] ProjTrans.taxGroup Method [AX 2012] ProjTrans.taxInformation_IN Method [AX ...
JmgPayStatTrans JmgPayrollPeriodTrans JmgPieceRateLine JmgProfileOverride JmgProfileOverrideSpec JmgStampTrans JmgTermReg JmgTermRegArchive KanbanJobCapacitySum KanbanJobIssue KanbanJobPickingList KanbanJobPickingListReversal KanbanJobQualityMeasure KanbanJobReceipt ...
Le statut juridique des transsexuels en FranceFrance, in the absence of legislation relating to transsexual people, has left it up to the Court of Cassation to decide on their legal "fate" through case law. The court refused, until forced to do so by the European Court of Human Rights ...
Graphical representations are normalized to the IL-15TRANS (75 ng/ml) sample. (b) An immunoblot analysis was performed to examine the effect of IL-15 signaling on Blimp-1, Bcl-6, p-STAT5, and STAT5 expression. β -Actin was monitored to ensure equal protein loading. For (a), ...
“the findings have broad relevance, with implications for cis and trans immune health.” McCarthy, who was not involved in the study, added that while the paper doesn’t look at health outcomes, it’s important researchers monitor whether hormone therapy decreases trans men’s risk of ...