fmin—— fmin>1/stop time fmax—— 这个值越大越准确,但会让仿真时间变长(之前看到有帖子用fmax=fclk,我认为是不对的啊,噪声是在无穷的频带积分的——虽然因为电路自带滤波会让远处的噪声被滤掉,但fmax取大一点会更精确)这个多试几次就知道哪个值合适了。 这里我也是按仿真kT/C noise的经验,各位大神能否...
Assuming that f equals fmin, i.e., the minimal frictional coefficient that a protein of a given mass would obtain if the protein were a smooth sphere of radius Rmin, in Equation (5), Rs can be replaced by Rmin. In this study, three different diffusates, which cover a wide range of ...