加拿大跨山输油管道 (Trans Mountain pipeline)将于2024年一季度末左右投入运营,
加拿大跨山输油管道(TransMountainpipeline)将于2024年一季度末左右投入运营。 快讯正文 加拿大跨山输油管道(TransMountainpipeline)将于2024年一季度末左右投入运营。
transmountain adj. 越过山的,穿过山的 pipeline n.[C,U] 管道线 pipeline processor 导管处理机 ai abbr. 1.=accidentally incurred 偶然招致的,遭遇意外 2.=artificial insemination人工授精 3.=artificial intellig AI (abbr. = artificial intelligence) 人工智能 人工智能,一般简称为AI,是研究、开发用于...
Vancouver, BC (June 17, 2019) — A new Ipsos poll conducted on behalf of Resource Works [1] shows a majority of British Columbians in support of the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion project. Poll Findings Six-in-ten (60%) British Columbians say they support the Trans Mountain pipeline ...
A defiant British Columbia Premier John Horgan said he won’t back down from his government’s opposition to the Trans Mountain pipeline project when he meets Sunday with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Alberta Premier Rachel Notley. Horgan said Thursday he will go to Ottawa to hea...
“Given the economic circumstances in the country vis-a-vis COVID and the collapsing pricing in oil and gas, there’s absolutely no way that the Trans Mountain pipeline project is anywhere near viable or feasible,” said Grand Chief Stewart Phillip, president of the Uni...
网络越山油管;越山输油管线;横山输油管 网络释义
【加拿大政府可能推迟跨山输油管道的出售】7月26日讯,消息人士称,加拿大可能会将跨山石油管道 (Trans Mountain pipeline)的出售推迟到2025年全国大选之后。加拿大政府于2018年购买了价值340亿加元(248.8亿美元)的跨山管道扩建项目,以确保建设继续进行,并计划在运营开始后将其剥离。这个拖延已久的项目于5月1日投入运营...
Line fill on the expanded 890,000 b/d system continues and is expected to be completed within the next few weeks, Trans Mountain said in a statement, adding that the company has the ability to load cargoes from all three berths at its marine terminal in coastal British Columbia. As of ...
① 此前据外媒报道,加拿大据悉最早将在当地时间周二宣布,购买跨山输油管扩建计划(Trans Mountain Pipeline); ② 这一消息意味着长期以来被搁置的油管扩建计划可能取得重大进展,这有利于加拿大的石油运输和出口,也因此利好商品货币加元; ③ 不过,鉴于加拿大央行将于周三(5月30日)公布利率决议,且加银大概率保持利率不变...