1.a prefix meaning “across,”“through,” occurring orig. in loanwords from Latin, used in particular to form verbs denoting movement or conveyance from place to place (transfer; transmit; transplant) or complete change (transform; transmute), or to form adjectives meaning “crossing,”“on ...
Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Popular in Wordplay See All Top 12 Sophisticated Compliments Word of the Year 2024 | Polarization ...
摘要:Trans- 是英语中常见的一个前缀prefix,源于拉丁语。根据不同的单词,trans-可以代表“转变,变换,转移”。那么transmission, transformation, transaction 和transportation 它们的含义是什么,又在什么语境中使用?Helen在本期节目中详细讲解。 Four words with prefix trans- 含有前缀 trans- 的四个名词 Play audio ...
【摘要】In English lexical system, there are a large number of vocabularies which have the prefix trans-, and it is hard for learners to understand and memorize. Therefore, based on the theory of image schema, the im⁃age schema types of trans-prefixed vocabulary contain four types, i.e...
TheseROOT-WORDSare the PrefixesTRA & TRANSmeaningACROSS, THROUGH & OVER. Every word in the list contains this Prefix and tells you that much about the word. When you learn more keys you will know what every part of the word means and then the word will be entirely yours. All you need...
Latin to French before coming to English. Some other words derived from Arabic also retain theal-in English, such asalgebra,algorithm, andalcohol; in fact, the transformative liquid that was constantly being sought through experimentation by alchemists is another word with the Arabical-prefix:...
prefix 1. across, beyond, crossing, on the other side transoceanic trans-Siberian transatlantic 2. changing thoroughly transliterate 3. transcending transubstantiation 4. transversely transect 5. (often in italics) indicating that a chemical compound has a molecular structure in which two groups or ato...
at the border between languages, putting to good use his creativity and criticality from time to time. This will awaken us to the reality that translanguaging can easily occur in translation, or, to put it the other way round, “translation can be an ideal space for translanguaging where a...
Chaoqun Lu is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Education University of Hong Kong. Her primary research interests lie in the intersection of language education and science education, particularly in the area of inquiry-based science teaching in English-Medium Instruction (EMI) classrooms. She also has a...
providing education from year 1 to year 6. The medium of instruction in most lessons is English, and examinations at the school are conducted in English, excluding Chinese classes. This particular school was selected for the study due to its balanced student population, comprising 50 % ethnic...