The meaning of CIS-TRANS is relating to, exhibiting, or being a particular type of stereoisomerism.
transfunctions as an adjective modifying a noun such asman.Spelling these words as closed or hyphenated compounds, as intransmaleandtrans-people,loses the distinction betweentransas a descriptive adjective andman,woman,orpersonas a human being. Similarly,cis maleandcis femaleare the preferred spelling ...
The meaning of CIS-TRANS ISOMERISM is geometric isomerism in unsaturated compounds or cyclic compounds depending usually on the presence in the molecule of a pair of substituted groups (as unsymmetrically substituted methylene groups) so that the isomers
Why do cis and trans isomeric compounds exhibit different properties? What is meant by chirality? Give examples. What is meant by the term carcinogen? What is the meaning of polarity? Define supercritical fluid. What does it mean for a vinyl carbon to be the most substituted?
“在……的这一边” •“trans-”isaLatinnounorprefix,meaning"across", "beyond"or"ontheoppositeside". •“trans-”是一个拉丁文的名词或者前缀,意思是”穿过 “、”超越“或者”在……的另一边“ cis & trans •在一些学科当中,我们常将这两个词翻译 为“顺式”与“反式”或者“顺”与 “反”...
不同领域中cis(顺式)和trans(反式)培训培训教程.ppt,不同领域中的cis(顺式)和trans(反式) “cis- as a prefix of Latin origin, meaning on the same side [as] or on this side [of]““cis-”是来源于拉丁文的一个前缀,意思是“与……在同一边”或者“在……的这
1.a prefix meaning “across,”“through,” occurring orig. in loanwords from Latin, used in particular to form verbs denoting movement or conveyance from place to place (transfer; transmit; transplant) or complete change (transform; transmute), or to form adjectives meaning “crossing,”“on ...
Cisandtranseffects can be distinguished by the differences in binding affinities among F0 parents and their F1 offspring, ascis-acting variation must remain allele-specific28,29,32,33,35(Supplementary Figs.4a,5). TFBS that had informative SNVs for allelic resolution were classified into four regula...