Trajectory planning in robotics. Mathematics in Computer Science, 2012, 6(3): 269–279 MathSciNetA. Gasparetto, P. Boscariol, A. Lanzutti, R. Vidoni, (2012) Trajectory Planning in Robotics, Mathematics in Computer Science, Volume 6, Issue 3, Pages 269-279....
The general problem of trajectory planning in Robotics is addressed in the paper, with an overview of the most significant methods, that have been proposed in the robotic literature to generate collision-free paths. The problem of finding an optimal trajectory for a given path is then discussed ...
^T. Kr¨oger, B. Finkemeyer, S. Winkelbach, S. Molkenstruck, L.-O. Eble, and F. M. Wahl. A manipulator plays Jenga. IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, 15(3):79–84, September 2008. ^Hasbro Inc., 1027 Newport Avenue, Mailstop A906, Pawtucket, RI 02861, USA. Jenga homepag...
机器人中的轨迹规划(Trajectory Planning ) Figure. Several possible path shapes for a single joint 五次多项式曲线(quintic polynomial) θ(t)=a0+a1t+a2t2+a3t3+a4t4+a5t5θ(t)=a0+a1t+a2t2+a3t3+a4t4+a5t5 考虑边界条件: θ0=a0θf=a0+a1t+a2tf2+a3tf3+a4tf4+a5tf5˙θ0=a1˙θf=a1+2...
Trajectory Planning for Robot Manipulators From the series: Modeling, Simulation, and Control Sebastian Castro discusses technical concepts, practical tips, and software examples for motion trajectory planning with robot manipulators. First, Sebastian introduces the difference between task space and joint ...
《On-Line Trajectory Generation in Robotic Systems》[1]大翻译计划 本书是《Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics》系列图书的Volume 58,作者Torsten Kröger[2],是著名OTG库Reflexxes[3]的作者,也是2021年ruckig库[4]的二作,参与编写了机器人的“大百科全书”《Springer handbook of robotics》[5]。 扉页句...
In subject area: Earth and Planetary Sciences The local path planning capability of MAARS is provided by a combination of several new and existing algorithms. From: Machine Learning for Planetary Science, 2022 About this pageSet alert Also in subject areas: Computer Science EngineeringDiscover other...
The planning system enabled 10 aerial robots to collectively maneuver unhindered through a cluttered bamboo forest and find the most efficient flight path, according to the study published Thursday in the journal Science Robotics. Inspired by how flocks of birds can flexibly coordinate their collective...
International Conference on Robotics and Automation May 2011 77被引用 2笔记 摘要原文 Many real-world tasks require fast planning of highly dynamic movements for their execution in real-time. The success often hinges on quickly finding one of the few plans that can achieve the task at all. A ...
Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2022年1月4日 1月4日, 北京航空航天大学机器人研究所陈殿生教授带领的团队,在期刊 Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering 发表题为 Application of Optimal-Jerk Trajectory Planning in Gait-balance Training Robot 的论文。