Liu X, Hu P, Yeung W et al (2023) Illness severity assessment of older adults in critical illness using machine learning (ELDER-ICU): an international multicentre study with subgroup bias evaluation. Lancet Digit Health 5:e657–e667. Article...
In subject area: Nursing and Health Professions The illness trajectory refers to the course of the disease process and treatment over time, including the different phases and directions it can take, such as remission or end-of-life care. ...
HEALTH status indicatorsMAGNETIC resonance imagingATTITUDES toward illnessHOSPITAL careQUESTIONNAIRESBackground: The multisystem associations between baseline mental health status and coronavirus disease-19 (COVID)-19 illness trajectory are uncertain. Objectives: This article will investigate the associations ...
A surprising result was that as many as forty-four patients had a short trajectory, and nineteen of these had one month or less between diagnosis and death. Patients at surgical wards followed a faster trajectory and were in a somewhat poorer state of health when compared to patients at the...
pattern of health over time, the notion of a health trajectory reflects common use of the term trajectory as the flight path of an object, including the forces that act on it to link location with time. ... A health trajectory describesthe dynamic (changing) course of health and illness....
The illness trajectory of elderly cancer patients across cultures: SIOG position paper Due to the aging of the population, cancer has become a health priority worldwide. While the number of elderly cancer patients is rapidly increasing, many ... A Surbone M Kagawa-Singer C Terret and L Baider...
Major illness may have a devastating effect on whole families. If the physician is to successfully treat the disease of the identified patient, the psychosocial problems of both the patient and the family must be recognized, diagnosed, and addressed. Thi
a comparison of health utilities indices among Canadians with stroke between 1996 and 2005. Stroke. 2010;41(5):996-1000.PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 7. Erkinjuntti T, Gauthier S. Diagnosing vascular cognitive impairment and dementia: concepts and controversies. In: Wahlund L, Erkinjuntti T, ...
In Canada, the number of people found NCRMD has risen during the past 20 years. The Criminal Code is federally legislated but provincially administered, and mental health services are provincially governed. Our study offers a rare opportunity to observe the characteristics and trajectories of NCRMD...
treatments. While some progress has been made in identifying genetic and non-genetic risk factors for type 2 diabetes, understanding the long-term clinical history of individuals before and after diagnosis may provide additional insights into its causes and complex trajectory of multiple health ...