traits. If you want to remove Traits use: traits.remove_trait {TraitNameNoSpaces} The Sims 4 Reward Trait Cheats (The Sims 4 Outdoor Retreat) Use the Cheat Console by pressingCTRL+SHIFT+C.Input the cheat codetestingcheats true. The Sims 4 Reward Trait Cheats (The Sims 4 Get to Work) ...
Trait CheatsI have a full list of trait cheats for The Sims 4 here. It includes nearly every form of trait, not just the personality traits you'll find listed here. Traits can be removed or added with the traits.equip_trait or traits.remove_trait cheats. ...
How Do You Get a Trait in Sims 4? Traits are assigned based on your sim’s actions. They can be chosen during the game start or appear as a consequence of how you act and what things you do. You can also use cheats to add traits to your Sims. Related Sims 4 Free Real Estate C...
If you prefer, you can also watch a video about secrets in Sims 4. Nifty Knitting is now available. Learn all about the stuff pack on my guide page here. NEW - Nifty Knitting Cheats New features in the Sims 4 June 2020 The Sims 4 Eco Lifestyle Guide Eco Footprint: How it Works Ne...
Cant use cheats since this is a save where i gather trophies. Havent tried on other sims so i wont mess up this save file. 184481083de48-79d122F00A4ADF7E3CC.54BCD7013DC4C0BB_message_426920002628912_1667656260269.jpg Reply 6 + XP #5 November 2022 Options TheSimsDirect EA Sim...
(For the record, I LOVE FLUFF and find it relaxing, and if I feel like a challenge then there is always "testing cheats on, money 0" or lot challenges or an internet challenge...) So it's interesting that you would say that! Personally, I kind of feel like The Sims 4 can be ...
Cheats [3] Player & Skins [9] Maps & Building [1] Vehicles [1] Morrowind [2] Towns and Villages [1] Total War [67] Total War: WARHAMMER III [60] Total War: WARHAMMER II [4] Total War: Shogun 2 [3] Sudden Strike 2 [222] Mods [32] MWM2 Maps [2] MWAW ...
进一步修复了丰碑的 16927 模拟人生吧 新英汉小词典 【M4分享】模拟人生4 魔法世界 作弊码 (翻译-部分删减)The Sims 4 Realm of Magic Cheats 模拟人生4 魔法世界 作弊码 September 9, 2019, 3:16 pm 2019年9月9日,下午3:16 Welcome to The Sims 4 Realm of Magic, where all your magical dreams come...
A guide to the Lot Traits in The Sims 4, with base game selectable traits and City Living Apartment-only
Solved: This happened mid game as I was making a new sim, choosing her traits, everything was OK until I added two other sims, I was editing them and