Examining possible transmission channels through which personality has an impact on people’s sexual well-being, we show that personality traits are associated with the quality of sexual communication and the actual and desired frequency of sex. Finally, analyzing the determinants of extradyadic affairs...
1.A distinguishing feature, as of a person's character. See Synonyms atquality. 2.A morphological, physiological, or behavioral feature of an organism. 3.ArchaicA short line or mark made with a writing or drawing implement. [French,pull, stroke, line, feature, from Old French, from Latintr...
Individuals are different in a relatively constant pattern of thoughts, feeling, and behaviors, which are called personality traits. Mental health is a condition of well-being in which people may reach their full potential and deal effectively with stres
Using a 1 (less close/familiar than people I meet for the first time) to 7 (closer/more familiar than best friends) scale, US's first impression of their relationship was that they would become closer than best friends, and indicated that SK was “as familiar to her as a best friend....
According to a new study from UC Berkeley and California State University, East Bay, there are distinctive personality traits between people who identify themselves as a “cat person,” or a “dog person.” The study found that 38 percent of people consider themselves more as “dog people,”...
Inequality around the world has been a huge problem for many people. Not many voices have been... 2 Pages | 832 Words Malala Yousafzai Inspiration Malala Yousafzai Malala Yousafzai's story is not just one of personal triumph but of global significance in the... ...
of 2865 participants had complete data on personality and some measures in HCAP. The sample was on average 76.49 (SD = 7.36) years old, with 66% of the sample between the ages of 65–79, 30% between the ages of 80–89, and 4% over the age of 90. The sample was 60% female...
The old age home was much more heterogenous as regards the composition of residents than what was perceived by older adults who lived in the community, who considered the home an option only for people who were childless or had been abandoned. Older adults who voluntarily lived alone in the ...
Researchers have found that individuals who score well on Feelings experience a broader range of positive and negative emotions, including perhaps feelings related to depression. People with Fantasies are likely to experience and report depression because their idealized state of reality differs ...
From observed data of measured autistic traits, people with a diagnosis of an autism spectrum condition (ASC) - at least those who have average IQ or above - score at the extreme end of this distribution [4]. It may be that ‘syndromic’ forms of autism, which often entail comorbid ...