When it comes to the traits of a successful person,lots of words come crowding into my mind.l am spurred and encouraged by Winston Churchill's amazing determination,Albert Einstein andThomas Edison's intense diligence,Abraham Lincoln's glamorous optimism,Sandra Dy O'Connor's sheer persistence. l...
The Signs You're Most Sexually Compatible WIth Getty/Margie Rischiotto Think You're Not Compatible? You Might Be Wrong Getty/Margie Rischiotto Jake Register Jake Register (better known by his Instagram handle, @jakesastrology) is a Libra and the author of Cosmopolitan’s weekly Sexoscopes. He...
If your race or ethnicity changes at some later point (as could be possible due to the result of polymorph magic or a reincarnation spell), the benefits gained by your racial trait persist— only if your mind and memories change as well do you lose the benefits of a race trait. Of ...
If your race or ethnicity changes at some later point (perhaps as a result of polymorph magic or a reincarnation spell), the benefits gained by your race trait persist—only if your mind and memories change as well do you lose the benefits of a race trait. Regional Regional traits are ...
You make razor-sharp observations and can come up with genius solutions—but people have to actually want your feedback first. Jodie Forrest’s The Ascendant suggests you remember that “sometimes ‘perfect’ is the enemy of ‘good enough’” and learn to give out some praise every now and ...
You possess the mind of a genius, quick and restless which can easily adapt from one project to the next. But this can create a lot of problems for people you work with. People cannot keep up with you at times which is why on many occasions you choose to find a way on your own. ...
Only those who will pivot quickly canadapt to a constantly changing environment in every single industry. By fostering, cultivating, and mastering this resilience, one can quickly shift when necessary and operate from a forward-looking state rather than a reactive state of mind. ...
Unit8. Five Traits of the Educated Man UNIT8 FiveTraitsoftheEducatedMan ProverbsonEducation Thefoundationofeverystateistheeducationofitsyouth.Wereceivethreeeducations,onefromourparents,onefromourschoolmasters,andonefromtheworld.Educationisnotthefillingofapail,butthelightingofafire.Geniuswithouteducationislike...
One girl thinks you’re a creepy douchebag; another thinks you’re a sexy, enlightened genius. There’s no predictability you can count on. The only factor truly in your control is how many times you’re willing to try before giving up. #3: High Intelligence Most of the great coaches ...
Okay. As “walk into a bar” jokes go, that’s probably not a sidesplitter. It probably doesn’t even fit the definition of a joke. (For real “walk into a bar” humor, try this.) But the scenario illustrates the mind-set differences between Intuitive and Observant partners. In this...