components of the vitreous body and the vitreoretinal interface.Methods Results from placebo-controlled trials designed to determine efficacy and safety of ocriplasmin for the treatment of VMT were used in the determination by the French National Health Authority (Haute Autorité de Santé, or HAS),...
Prise en charge de la DMLA : des traitements de plus en plus efficaces et une prévention indispensablecomplément alimentairedégénérescence maculaire liée à l’âgepréventiontraitementanti-VEGFage-related macular degenerationanti-VEGFfood supplementprevention...
Purpose: To present the treatment patterns, disease activity, and visual outcomes of eyes in the maintenance phase of a treat-and-extend regimen for neovascular age-related macular degeneration (nAMD). To compare the maintenance phase behavior of eyes with a shorter induction phase (≤3 injections...
Traitement des hématomes maculaires compliquant la DMLA par vitrectomie, injection sous-rétinienne de rt-PA et tamponnement intraoculaire par gazMacular degenerationChoroid hemorrhageTissue plasminogen activatorVitrectomyVerteporfinPhotochemotherapy
061 Du traitement AREDS à de nouvelles idées thérapeutiques pour prévenir la DMLADuring deswelling of organ-cultured human corneas, endothelial cell loss occurs. Therefore, it is necessary to minimize the deswelling time and achieving an optimal central corneal thickness (CCT) of approximately ...