Build, Drive, Operate and Share the railroad of your dreams! Trainz Simulator is the most complete train simulator experience ever. Driver thousands of trains. Build endless railroad creations. Operate one or many trains across your route. Share your cre
Build, Drive, Operate and Share the railroad of your dreams! Trainz Simulator is the most complete train simulator experience ever. Driver thousands of trains. Build endless railroad creations. Operate one or many trains across your route. Share your cre
Build, Drive, Operate and Share the railroad of your dreams! Trainz Simulator is the most complete train simulator experience ever. Driver thousands of trains. Build endless railroad creations. Operate one or many trains across your route. Share your cre
A Choice of Trains It is possible to create diesel, electric and steam trains with a few simple clicks. Thanks to the ability to further customize other areas such as the background and even the supporting industries, Trainz Simulator 12 has indeed taken on a life of its own. This game i...
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