Our "Platinum Edition" bundle provides fantastic value for new or existing customers. Expand your Trainz collection with a huge range of additional routes, sessions, locos and rolling stock, all at 75% off the regular pricing.
About Trainz: A New Era PC Trainz: A New Era is far more than a train simulator. Sure there are hundreds of locos and dozens of routes and sessions you can drive in the Platinum Edition Bundle. But the real power of Trainz comes with all the extra things you can do beyond the built...
Trainz: A New Era (Redirected fromTANE) "Trainz: A New Era" is the first "totally new" version of Trainz since the first release in 2001. It includes a brand new game engine that totally replaces the "Jet" render engine which powered Trainz between 2001 and 2012. Most of the game ...
模拟火车:新时代 Trainz: A New Era PC免安装英文版下载。模拟火车新时代是Trainz系列的最新作品,使用了全新的游戏引擎进行开发,将拥有更加进步的游戏画面,游戏还支持多人游戏与分屏操作。 该作品以全新的游戏引擎,打造出了最真实的历史与现代铁路线路。游戏中玩家将可以驾驶著名的火车,探索最刺激的路线,在那梦幻般...
Explore, Drive and Create with the ultimate train simulator experience for PC, Mac and Mobile. Hundreds of thousands of items available for free on the Download Station.
Explore the world of rail or create your own dream railroad - Trainz A New Era just keeps getting better and better. If you are new to the world of Trainz, you will enjoy countless hours creating your dream railroad, driving a huge range of locos, or operating a working railroad under ...
Trainz: A New Era SP4 Trainz A New Era Service Pack 4 (TANE SP4) is a free update for all "TANE" owners and delivers a range of updates, enhancements and improvements from the original TANE release in May 2015. View... Trainz Model Railroad 2017 Discover a whole new dimension in...
Buy Trainz on PC / Mac Embark on an EpicTRAINZAdventure! Trainz 22 Platinum Edition includes: 6 Built-in Routes: Explore a world of diverse rail networks. 5 Extra Routes & 21 Bonus Locos: Expand your journey with additional stunning routes and iconic locomotives. ...
模拟火车:新时代(Trainz: A New Era)是Deep Silver制作发行一款模拟经营类游戏,这款游戏的画面十分的逼真,给玩家们带来了真实的体验! 【游戏介绍】 这款游戏主要以火车为主,在这款游戏中加入了全新的引擎,让玩家们在游戏中更加过瘾!在这款游戏中会有各种著名的火车,玩家可以驾驶着火车进行探索全新的路线。在游戏...
名称: Trainz: A New Era 类型: 模拟 开发商: N3V Games 发行商: N3V Games 系列: Trainz 发行日期: 2015 年 5 月 14 日 访问网站 Facebook YouTube 查看手册 查看更新记录 阅读相关新闻 查看讨论 查找社区组 嵌入 在Steam 上查看“Trainz-Simulator”全合集作品 不支持简体中文 本产品尚未对您目...