KnowBe4 HRM+ is your all-in-one platform for security awareness training, cloud email protection, & more. Trusted by 47 of the top 50 cybersecurity firms.
Practice active listening as you engage with a coworker in the LGTBIQ+ scenario. Gain insights into their unique challenges, and learn how to create an inclusive and compassionate space for open dialogue. Embrace the power of empathy and become a stronger advocate for an equitable workplace for...
Talk to our Rider Advocate Here at RawHyde Adventures we believe in actually having a conversation with people that are interested in our programs so please call us if you have the time. If you reach our voicemail; please leave a message and we WILL return your call promptly. Please Note:...
Infinit-I’s Training Management System is also an advocate for proactive driver safety programs and education. Instead of limiting its offerings to mandatory compliance topics, it pushes the envelope by including modules that anticipate emerging challenges. For instance, with the rise of distracted dr...
Join us as we hear from Senior Cloud Advocate Rod Trent, unveiling and guiding us through his invaluable new Copilot for Security prompting workshop. Tune in for a demo that explores the content, teaches you how to leverage this tool, and ultimately, master the craft of creating effective pr...
Next to skills and the right mindset, you’ll need a good environment to succeed in learning new skills. That's why we provide an optimal learning environment for your leaders to grow and develop, choosing the right format for different objectives, whether it'scoaching, mentoring, workshops, ...
Conversational AI|Generative AI|Automotive / Transportation|Consumer Internet|Financial Services|Media & Entertainment|Restaurant / Quick-Service|Retail / Consumer Packaged Goods|Telecommunications|General|Intermediate Technical|Deep dive|featured|LLM Techniques|LLMs|Text Generation|Training AI Models|Translation ...
Make a powerful business case for L&D at your organization, and learn to better measure and advocate for investment in your workforce development initiatives with this online Executive Education course. Enroll Now +1 (415) 366-7762 100 California Street, 12th Floor ...
“The coaching relationship provides the trusting, nourishing, empowering, and supportive connection that people have needed their whole lives to get well, feel loved, find their purpose, and be true to themselves.” ~ Deanne Adamson, Founder and CEO ...
Mediators at Baltimore Mediation will never tell people what to do, nor will they ever take sides about who is right and who is wrong, nor force compromise nor advocate for any one participant’s ideas over another’s. The firm’s mediators do not attempt to impose control over the agend...