(2005). Personal disciplinary history and views of physical punishment: implications for training mandated reporters. Child Abuse Review, 14, 240-258.Bluestone, C. (2005). Personal disciplinary history and views of physical punishment: Implications for training mandated reporters. Child Abuse Review, ...
they've modified or changed some of the categories of abuse. They've added new categories of abuse," he explained. "They've expanded who is a mandated reporter now, they've changed emotional abuse to serious mental injury,
Mandated reporters are professionals who have regular contact with children and are therefore legally required to report suspected child abuse. The Child Abuse Mandated Reporter Training Project provides training for all mandated child abuse reporters so
Special issues related to child abuse reporting for child care providers The Child Care Providers training may take you up to 4 hours to complete. Please Note In order to maintain compliance with California State laws for mandated reporters, the general training course is a required prerequisite ...
Protecting Minors:Mandated Reporters This course prepares employees, volunteers, and affiliates to engage in healthy, safe relationships with minors. It also meets federal and state youth protection training requirements. not sure where to start?
Both groups were taught to fulfill their roles as court mandated reporters, and the teacher trainees met the new state requirements for certification by taking either course. Appendixes include the pretest/posttest, syllabi for the two courses, and a detailed discussion of test questions directed ...
New York Child Abuse Training offers the mandatory child abuse and maltreatment courses required for New York professionals. The course, New York Child Abuse Identification and Reporting, is designed to meet the child abuse training requirement mandated by reporters in New York State. This course cov...
This training aims to equip attendees with the necessary knowledge and skills to fulfill their role as professionally mandated reporters and actively contribute to preventing child abuse and neglect. By the end of the session, attendees will have a comprehensive understanding of their legal obligations...
When I started this I really thought [my staff] would not want the extra work, or they'd be afraid of the [online management system]. I have had a wonderful response. They love it and are so surprised at how easy it is for them to administer. I've had nothing but excitement coming...
The Role of Mandated Child Abuse ReportersThis course is Closed CaptionedThis course is Closed CaptionedDisponible en español The Foster Home Investigation ProcessThis course is Closed CaptionedThis course is Closed Captioned Caring for Children Who Have Been Sexually AbusedThis course is Closed Captio...